Chapter 46

Morgan and Hope watched as Link learned to play Epona's song with his Ocarina, like with Zelda's Lullaby, Link quickly learned the song and the little horse known as Epona quickly ran to him and began to cheerfully headbutt his chest.

Link smiled and petted Epona's face, this made Malon smile in amusement and even giggled at how Epona got attached to Link so quickly, Morgan and Hope found it adorable and just smiled at the scene before them.

After that, the kids decided to stay at Lon Lon Ranch for the night since it was getting dark, Malon had suggested sleeping at the ranch and leaving for their next destination in the morning.

So, that evening, the kids went back to Malon's house and found Talon still sleeping, Morgan deadpanned at this and then lit Talon's butt on fire, which made the owner of Lon Lon Ranch wake up in panic.

Malon laughed as she saw her father run around screaming while his ass was on fire, poor Talon, he received no mercy from both his own daughter and Morgan.

After that, Morgan took out some dinner from her boosted gear inventory and everyone ate together and had some fun speaking about some of their adventures.

Malon and Talon were very impressed about the girls' adventures and shocked as well, Morgan and Hope had explained that they come from a very far-off land connected to the forest Link comes from.

So, to Malon and Talon, hearing about the Mushroom Kingdom, Raccoon City and even the world Godzilla comes from, was nothing but amazing and scary.

After dinner, Link slept in the living room in a sleeping bag Morgan took out from her boosted gear inventory, while Morgan and Hope had a little sleepover with Malon and Morgan's pet cucco.

The girls brushed their hair, played some games, and even talked about their respective homes, until it was time to go to sleep and rest, tomorrow was a new day after all and everyone had things to do.


The next morning, Malon got up early to start some work around the ranch, Morgan and Hope woke up as well and decided to help their new friend since they were curious about what one does to maintain a ranch.

Link, was already awake when the girls headed downstairs, he was used to getting up early from his days in the Kokiri Village, one had to get up early there, in order to gather food and other necessities in the forest.

So when Morgan and Hope explained that they were going to help Malon do her morning work on the ranch, Link immediately decided to help and so the quartet of kids set out early in the morning to help around the ranch.

They milked the cows, fed them and the horses, and collected eggs from the cuccos, Morgan's cucco also laid an egg, which Morgan put in her boosted gear inventory.

Then they fed the the cuccos, bottled the milk, and then boxed them for delivery, overall, it was a very busy morning for the kids, but one that they enjoyed very much, it was a new experience for them after all.

After that, they had some breakfast and then Morgan and Hope decided to teach Link how to enhance his body with mana for the rest of the morning.

Link took a bit of time to learn how to enhance his body, increasing his speed had him crashing against walls, trees, and fences around the ranch, the fact that Malon would giggle at his miss fortune didn't help either.

It was a good thing Morgan and Hope knew healing magic and how to fix things, otherwise, Link would be out of commission for a while and the ranch would be filled with Link shape holes everywhere.

But after a while, he got the hang of it, with knowing how to increase his speed with mana, he used that knowledge to learn how to increase his strength, increase his body's natural healing, and how to make himself tougher.

He needs to practice how to use his new techniques quicker and smoother, but he could do that while using the techniques, so with that done, the kids decided to leave the Lon Lon Ranch that afternoon.

Malon and Talon bid them farewell and walked the kids out of the ranch and into Hyrule Field, Link, Hope, and Morgan waved goodbye to the father-and-daughter duo and then took off running at high speed towards Kakariko Village.

They wear running so fast that they were blurs to Talon and left him gaping, which made Malon laugh at her father.


Thanks to Link's new speed, the kids were able to arrive quickly at Kakariko Village, something they were really glad for, Hyrule Field was huge, and traveling through it would take very long trips to get to places.

So, now that Link can move faster, things were moving along quicker, still, Link had been surprised that Morgan's cucco had stayed on her head and hadn't even twitched at the speed they were moving with, it made Link think that super cuccos were indeed, super.

Once the trio arrived at Kakariko Village, they quickly walked into town and looked around, despite being a small town, it was very lively as well, in fact, everyone in town, was running around everywhere, while being busy with one thing after another.

Suddenly, the trio heard a feminine groan of frustration, curious about it, the kids followed it and found a panicking young woman, the woman noticed the kids, or more correctly, Morgan's cucco, and decided to speak with them "My cuccos have run away! Please help me find them! You kids look like your good with cuccos!".

The woman pointed at Morgan who had her cucco tilt her head at the woman, Link, and Hope decided that yes, they can help the woman, so they nodded to Morgan who nodded to the young woman.

The young woman smiled and then watched in surprise as the kids disappeared in blurs, after that surprise, the young woman was left even more surprised and gaping when the kids kept appearing and disappearing while bringing her cuccos back to her.

It happened so fast and unexpectedly, that the poor young woman didn't know how to react, along the way, while the girls were looking for the cuccos, they also found some heart pieces in hard-to-get places.

Being able to fly and reach these places with ease allowed Morgan and Hope to collect them for Link, so when they met up after he caught the last cucco, the girls gave them to him.

Link took them with a thankful smile on his face and then put the last cucco inside the young woman's cucco pen, luckily for everyone, this snapped the young woman out of her shock.

So she stared at the kids with wide eyes full of awe "My! That was amazing! I've never seen someone move so fast before! Thank you for catching my cuccos.

I'm allergic to them, so I can't touch them, otherwise, I get goosebumps all over my body! Hmm, to thank you for helping me, I'll give you this! Isn't it so sparkly and pretty! Please take good care of it!".

The woman handed the kids an empty crystal bottle, Hope and Morgan decided that Link should keep it and told him so, Link wanted to refuse since they all helped catch all the cuccos, but Morgan smiled and then said, "We have our own containers for stuff Link, you need it more than us".

Link sighed and then nodded to Morgan, they didn't need the bottle so he might as well use it, with that done, the kids then decided to walk around the town and see what they can find.

Eventually, they made it to a graveyard, the kids carefully walked deeper into this place and looked around, Morgan and Hope narrowed their eyes at this place though.

Hope frowned and then spoke up "This place feels a little off... I think Daddy called it spiritual energy, which means, there might be ghosts or spiritual-type monsters here".

Morgan scrunched up her face as she took a sniff "This place reeks of undead... there might be zombies and whatnot too".

Link gulped, he looked a bit worried, but despite that, he nodded to the girls and then walked into the graveyard to investigate, if there were monsters in there, then that means that something else might be found as well.

Hope and Morgan smiled at how brave Link was, so they quickly followed him into the graveyard and got ready for anything, as they walked into the graveyard, they found someone walking around the graves.

A short hunchback man, the kids, curious about this person, walked up to him, the man, noticed them and then suddenly yelled at the kids "Hey kids! Don't mess around with the graves!".

Link jumped a bit at the sudden yelling, Morgan and Hope just raised an eyebrow at the guy not sure how to react to him, the man just ignored the look the girls gave him and that he made Link jump to introduce himself " I'm Dampe the Gravekeeper! my face might look scary, but I'm not a bad guy...

Let me give you an advertisement for my side business... Dampe the Gravekeeper's Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour! What's gonna come out?! What's gonna come out?! When I start digging, we'll find out!".

Morgan deadpanned at Dampe "Didn't you just yell at us to not mess with the graves?".

Dampe stared at Morgan "..." and then turned his head towards Link "Do you want me to dig here? Ten rupees for one hole".

"Hey don't ignore me!" Hope had to hold Morgan back because she summoned her boosted gear and was about to punch Dampe in the face.

Meanwhile, Dampe didn't care and just waited for Link to answer his question, Link sweatdropped at the way Dampe ignored Morgan and though the guy had a death wish or something, still, he was a bit curious about his so-called side business, so he nodded to him and gave him ten rupees.

Dampe smiled and immediately shoved the shovel he was carrying, into the ground and dug the ground beneath him, only for a green rupees to pop out.

Link deadpanned at Dampe, Morgan glared at him while Hope sweatdropped, the kids just silently stared at the green rupee, while Dampe looked proud of himself for some odd reason.

Navi was the only one who spoke her mind out at all of this "... This is stupid".

Morgan nodded and narrowed her eyes at Dampe, just to spite him for ignoring her, she bent down and then used earth manipulation to make anything buried in the ground pop out.

Dampe gaped while Morgan smiled "Oh! Would you look at that! Looks like somethings mysteriously popped out of the ground! Well, finders keepers~".

With that said Morgan quickly picked up all the red and green rupees along with a heart piece, she then put the rupees away and walked back to the group where she handed the heart piece to Link, while the young hero sweatdropped as he received it.

With that done, Hope sighed and shook her head in amusement, she then looked over to a big gravestone in the cemetery and pointed towards it "Guys, I sense some magic over there, let go check it out".

Link and Morgan nodded and the trio then walked over to the big gravestone in the graveyard, leaving a still speechless Dampe behind.


The kids arrived at the gravestone and then looked around, Hope looked down and noticed a stone tablet on the floor with a trio of golden triangles engraved in it "... is this how the triforce is supposed to look like?".

Morgan walked over and looked down, which made her cucco wobble a bit on her head "Hmm... I think we saw this same insignia all over Hyrule Castle and on Zelda's clothes too".

Link walked over and took a look as well, Navi looked too and then piped in her own opinion "Maybe we should try Zelda's Lullaby here, Impa did say the song had magical properties, so maybe something might happen".

Morgan nodded and smiled at the little Fairy "That's a good idea, we don't lose anything by giving it a try".

Link smiled and then walked onto the stone tablet, he then took out his ocarina and began to play Zelda's Lullaby, the very calm and beautiful song soon filled the graveyard.

Suddenly it began to rain a bit and then harder and harder, thunder and lightning soon flashed, and rumbled in the sky, suddenly the big gravestone began to let out a massive surge of yellow electricity.

Hope and Morgan quickly jumped in front of Link and covered him with their bodies, so he wouldn't get hurt when a lightning bolt dropped from the sky onto the big gravestone.

The gravestone glowed with golden light for about a second and then exploded, Link covered his face with arms, but Morgan and Hope didn't let any debris or the explosion to even come close to Link.

Everything happened quickly, but the explosion soon subsided, the gravestone was now gone, but where it once stood, there was now a hole in the ground.

Now that there was nothing to worry about, both Morgan and Hope walked forward towards the hole and took a look down, Link quickly joined them, the girls turned to look at him when they saw him wave a hand at them.

Link then smiled and nodded to the girls in thanks for protecting him, Morgan and Hope smiled back at him knowing that he was thanking them, Hope then decided to speak "Looks like there might be something useful down there".

Morgan nodded "Well, the hole was revealed because of Zelda's Lullaby, that means this place has a connection to the royal family".

Link nodded in agreement and then jumped down the hole, Morgan grinned and jumped down after Link, Hope just sighed and shook her head "... So much for being cautious... I swear".

Hope scratched her head and then hopped in after Morgan and Link.


Link landed inside some sort of cave, but the place gave him the creeps, suddenly Morgan fell down and landed on top of Link, the poor young hero grunted in pain, while Morgan groaned in discomfort from her landing.

But before both Link and Morgan could get up, Hope then suddenly dropped on top of them, making the young hero and the little Stark whine in pain.

Hope shook her head and looked around "Okay, that was weird, looks like that hole was some sort of portal, it kinda caught me by surprise... Link! Morgan! Where are you guys?".

Hope looked for her sister in all but blood and her new friend, but she didn't see them anywhere nearby "Strange... I think sense then nearby though".

Morgan suddenly groaned from underneath Hope "Get off...".

Hope panicked when she heard Morgan's voice coming from beneath her and immediately jumped off, Morgan then rolled off Link and twitched on the ground "Ugh... Link's shield dug into spine...".

Hope grimaced at what Morgan just said, despite her scales protecting Morgan, that must have been very uncomfortable, Link just grunted from the ground, Navi suddenly dropped to the ground and looked flat, like something had squished her.

The only one who was safe and okay was Morgan's cucco, who was standing at the side of the pile and was now pecking the poor squished Navi, which just made Hope awkwardly laugh.


After Hope healed everyone, and inflated Navi back into her normal shape, everyone began to look around the place, Morgan suddenly spoke up "Is this some kind of tomb?".

Hope nodded "Seems like it, the royal family's tomb, after all, we needed Zelda's Lullaby to get inside".

Link nodded and then pointed down a hallway, Morgan grinned and then nodded "Link's right, let's investigate this place!".

Hope nodded, the trio then set forth to investigate the tomb, they quickly found a door, but it automatically opened for them and let them into a big chamber filled with bones, suddenly a quartet of big bats attacked the kids.

Link shot one down with his fairy slingshot, while Hope and Morgan slapped the other bat monsters away, the poor bat monsters were turned into a puree in mid-air by the girls' powerful slaps.

Soon after all the bat monsters were killed, there was a small chime and then the bars on a door deeper in the chamber slid down, Morgan scratched her head and then asked "Okay... what were those things and what was that?".

Navi flew towards Morgan's face and began to cheerfully explained what the bat monsters were "Those were a keese! Keeses are bat-like monsters that are pretty common in Hyrule, though they are more common in dark places.

They usually attack by diving toward their victims and biting them, keeses are very weak and easy to defeat as you guys just saw".

Morgan nodded to Navi, Hope then piped in "I think the door was some sort of defensive mechanism, it must have activated because of the keese and released the door when they were defeated".

Both Link and Morgan nodded to Hope, what she said seemed and sounded logical to them, so they accepted it as a good enough explanation as to what happened, with that decided, the kids then walked over to the door.

They quickly jumped towards the door, Link, now able to enhance his legs with mana, was able to clear the big stone steps in a single jump and land right in front of the door along with Hope and Morgan who landed beside him.

Morgan's cucco flapped her wings a bit but otherwise stayed roosting on top of her head, the door then automatically opened for the kids and they quickly walked through.

The trio then walked down a long hallway into another big chamber, but Morgan and Hope suddenly stopped and pulled Link back when they saw some odd monsters standing in some parts of the chamber along some pools of green liquid on the ground.

Link looked confused towards Morgan and Hope, but then he noticed the serious look on their faces, wondering what was wrong he tilted his head towards the girls.

Hope pointed at one of the monsters standing in the chamber "That thing is giving off a very serious dark energy signature".

Morgan then piped in "And those pools of green liquid... they smell and feel like death, a corrupted version of it that is... it's disgusting and feels very dangerous, or at least to you".

Navi took a look at the creatures and gasped "That's a redead! They're a type of undead monster and a very dangerous one, when someone approaches a redead, it emits a scream, immobilizing them temporarily, giving them a chance to jump on your back and start damaging you.

This can damage their victims greatly in a short amount of time if one jumps on your back, the best way to escape is to rapidly shake them off to try and get out of its grip, they're also very tough and hard to kill...".

Morgan and Hope frowned at the description Navi gave them about these redead, they would be fine against such creatures, but Link might have some difficulties, so the girls decided to do something about it.

Or rather Hope did, the little Potter walked forward, summoned her gauss pistol and then charged it with her cosmic flames, she then immediately shot a bullet at each of the redead in the chamber.

The undead monsters didn't even have time to let out a cry before they were purified and incinerated, after dealing with the undead, Hope sent away her gauss pistol and nodded to everyone "There, we can now walk to the other side, but do be careful about the green pools of liquid, they will drain the life force of anyone that touches that green liquid".

Link and Morgan nodded and then walked into the chamber, a short walk after, they reached another hallway and at the end of it a small chamber.

In this chamber, the girls found some sort of mural with an engraving of the triforce on it, this told the girls that the mural had something to do with the royal family, so they walked closer to get a better look.

Hope stared at the mural and thanks to her being a supernatural being, she was able to understand what was written on it "Hmm... this looks like a poem, one dedicated to the memory of the dearly departed members of the royal family".

Morgan scratched her cheek feeling a bit awkward as to where they are "Oh? So this is where they put Zelda's family to rest? It's kinda too creepy for that no?".

Both Link and Hope nodded in agreement, this tomb seemed too creepy and corrupt to be the resting place of the royal family, this was a bit of a confusing situation, Navi then began to read the tablet out loud "The rising sun will eventually set, a newborns life will fade.

From the sun to moon, moon to sun... Give peaceful rest to the living dead... hm? What an interesting poem... huh? Look, guys! There's something else inscribed on the mural! Looks like a song sheet!".

The kids looked towards where Navi was pointing and saw a song being inscribed on the mural, Morgan bent down for a closer look "Huh? It is a song..." Morgan then turned her head towards Link and then said "Link, why don't you try to play it?".

Link nodded and quickly took out his ocarina and began the process of learning how to play the song on the mural, it took Link just a few minutes, but soon enough he was able to play the song and when he did, a bright sun like aura engulfed his body.

Morgan and Hope, who are more sensitive to magic and manipulation of concepts, immediately noticed what had happened, Hope was the one to point it out though "Hm... that felt odd... time suddenly shifted right now".

Morgan nodded "Yeah! It's the next morning now!".

Link looked at his ocarina with a perplexed look on his face, Hope smiled as she noticed that Link must have somewhat felt the shift as well "That song manipulated time and reality, it fast-forwarded the day to the next morning.

An odd way to do this for sure, but it's a small shift, so it shouldn't cause any problems, though do be careful in using it Link, okay?".

Link nodded and put away his ocarina, he then smiled at Morgan and Hope, and the girls knowing what he wanted, nodded to him, and then the trio quickly left the royal family tomb by walking back to where they had come from.


Once outside of the tomb, the kids looked around and saw that it was indeed morning, Morgan smiled and then turned to Link "Hey, give the song a try out here, let's see how it works outside okay?".

Link nodded, he himself was curious about it and decided to give it a try, so he took out his ocarina and played the Sun's Song again, the girls felt the shift again and then night suddenly fell upon the kids.

Morgan widely smiled and nodded "Wow! That was cool!".

Hope nodded in agreement "It is and I doubt Daddy would mind such small use of time and reality manipulation".

Link put his ocarina back into his pocket and looked around, he was really impressed with the fact that he can now turn the day into morning or night with just a song.

So far he had found three magical songs, each one having a very special and specific effect, but it was still pretty amazing to see, it made the young hero wonder if there were more magical songs out there.

Morgan suddenly grinned as she noticed something "I don't see Dampe!".

Both Link and Hope looked around for the grave keeper and noticed that Morgan was right, he wasn't walking around the graveyard, but given that it was night, he had probably gone to sleep already.

Morgan suddenly ran towards a gravestone and stood behind it, she suddenly grabbed it and pulled it back, to Link and Hope's surprise, the gravestone actually moved revealing another hole on the floor.

Hope and Link then ran towards Morgan, they quickly reached her as she looked down the hole, Hope immediately decided to ask a question to Morgan "Hey, how did you know the gravestone could move?".

Morgan pointed at the ground around the gravestone and then explained "The ground beneath the gravestone looked like it had something heavy dragged on top of it.

The fact that Dampe immediately yelled at us to not mess with the gravestones, told me that it had happened before, so I decided to give it a try, and bam! Secret hole!".

Link nodded understanding Morgan's reason, Hope though, deadpanned at Morgan "... You just wanted to do it to piss off Dampe, didn't you?".

Morgan didn't respond, just grinned at Hope, her cucco however, just nodded at Hope, practically telling her that she had guessed right, Link suddenly jumped inside the hole, Morgan smiled and then jumped after him, Hope just laughed a bit and jumped in as well.


As soon as Link landed at the bottom of the hole, he rolled out of the way, soon after, Morgan landed and also rolled out of the way, her Cucco didn't even budge from her head and stayed stuck up there somehow, Hope soon landed and giggled when she saw that her friends had gotten out the way.

Link chuckled as well finding what they did funny as well, he then looked forward and frowned when he saw a redead in front of them, Morgan saw it and just raised a hand towards it, a fireball soon materialized on her hand and she then threw it at the undead monster.

The fireball crashed against the redead and burst into flames quickly turning the monster into ash, with the monster gone, the kids could see that it had been guarding a chest behind it.

Link smiled and quickly ran towards the chest, the girls followed him and as Link began to open the chest a little tune began to play, Morgan and Hope looked around in confusion until Morgan suddenly said "Again? Where is that music coming from?".

Meanwhile, Link suddenly took out a piece of heart from the chest and then held it above his head in victory, Hope and Morgan noticed this and giggled at their friend's odd behavior.


After that, the kids headed back to the graveyard and Morgan then began to pull all the gravestones back with glee, Hope sighed and shook her knowing that Morgan was doing this to mess with Dampe "... I think Morgan has been hanging out with Uncle Tony and Uncle Sirius too much...".

Link didn't much mind Morgan doing this and just watched her do so, though he did gape when a ghost popped out of one of the graves and Morgan punched it to oblivion, he did not know how to react to that.

This went on until Morgan found another hole, the rest of the kids then walked over when Morgan waved them to come over to her and quickly jumped into the hole to see what they could find.

This time they just found a small room with a small chest inside it, Link quickly ran towards it and opened the chest, Link smiled as he took out a Hylian Shield from inside.

Morgan and Hope walked over and inspected the shield "A steel shield? A very well-made one too, but it's too big for you Link, this is an adult's shield".

Link scratched his head with a frown on his face, he really liked the Hylian Shield plus it was sturdier and more reliable than his wooden Kokiri shield, so he wanted to use it.

Morgan suddenly piped in "I think we should be able to shrink it a bit, with transfiguration though".

Hope nodded but there was one little problem with that "But we need a wand though".

Morgan hummed and then suddenly smiled "We can ask Aunty Death to let us use Uncle Harry's, Elder Wand!".


Both Lily and Death smiled, Harry's mother then turned her head towards Death to ask her a question "Can you do it?".

Death nodded and then pulled the Elder Wand out of Harry's inventory "Yes, but we have to be quick, otherwise, Harry might panic if he notices that the wand is gone".

Lily nodded and quickly wrote a note to her granddaughter and Morgan, Death took the note once Lily was done with it and then teleported the elder wand with the note to Morgan and Hope.


Hope was about to answer Morgan's suggestion, thinking it would be difficult for them to even get a hold of the elder wand when her daddy was in another completely different world; when suddenly the elder wand appeared out of nowhere above Link.

The wand then dropped down and hit Link on the head, the young hero grunted in pain, while Morgan's cucco caught the Elder Wand with her beak as it bounced towards her.

A note soon floated down towards Hope who caught it and quickly began to read it, she then smiled and began to tell her friends what the note says "Granny Lily and Mommy Death sent us the wand! Mommy Death says we should hurry since Daddy doesn't know we borrowed it.

Granny Lily sent us the wand movements and incantation to do what we want to do to Link's new shield~".

Morgan smiled, while Link rubbed his now sore head, Hope quickly studied the wand movements and incantation, and then quickly cast the spell, making sure she used enough magic to make the transfiguration permanent.

The Hylian Shield shrunk down to a size Link could use, making the kids smile, Hope then let go of the elder wand and it disappeared in a flash of gray light, Hope and Morgan knew that it was on its way back to Harry.

Morgan then gave the resized shield to Link and the young hero took it with a smile, he immediately tried out and moved it around to feel its weight and balance, he soon smiled again and then nodded to Hope and Morgan.

The girls cheered happy they could help their new friend use the shield, with that done, the kids left the small underground cave and then decided to go back to Kakariko Village.


Once back in the village, since it was now night the kids were able to better walk around the village since everyone in it had gone to sleep. As the kids walked around in the middle of the night, Hope suddenly stopped in front of a house.

The little Potter tilted her head and hummed in curiosity, a few seconds later she called out to her friends "I sense dark magic inside this house guys".

Both Morgan and Link turned to face the house, Link couldn't sense anything and only saw an abandoned house of sorts, Morgan however frowned and felt the same thing Hope did "You're right... should we check it out?".

Hope and Link nodded, and with that decision, the kids then walked inside, Link widen his eyes when he saw the inside of the house filled with spider webs, while the the girls looked around.

The trio cautiously walked deeper inside until a very messed up skulltula fell from the ceiling, Link immediately took out his shield and got ready, Hope just raised an eyebrow at the monster, Morgan however, punched it and sent it crashing into the wall behind it while it screamed like a little girl in pain and fear.

The trio sweatdropped hearing the monster scream like that and were rather surprised as well, Morgan suddenly spoke up "Did that spider monster just scream?".

Link nodded, Hope also nodded, heck, even Morgan's cucco nodded as well, Navi however, decided to pipe in "Skulltula don't scream like that...".

Curious about this odd and strange situation, the kids walked over to the twitching skulltula and then stared down at it, the monster however, just twitched and groaned in pain, that is until, Morgan kicked it a bit, causing it to squeak in pain.

Morgan frowned and looked confused at the monster "I don't think this is a skulltula guys...".

Both Link and Hope nodded in agreement, out of nowhere, they heard a very nervous voice call out to them from the ceiling "Err... I can explain... just don't punch me... please?".

Hope, Morgan, and Link looked up and then noticed multiple odd-looking skulltulas on the ceiling and shaking in fear while staring at Morgan.