Chapter 52

Link, Malon, Hope, and Morgan arrived back to Hyrule with a loud shattering sound of glass and then immediately teleported to Lon Lon Ranch, a whole day had passed since they left and they needed to plan and speak with Talon so they wanted to get things done quickly, Talon welcomed the kids back when they returned and Malon immediately told her dad of everything she saw in Hope and Morgan's world.

Talon was of course left speechless at everything Malon told him about Neo Kyoto and the beings living there, he was amazed and awed at all of it but he was far more happy to see his daughter with big sparkly eyes and a wide smile on her face, it was obvious that she had a lot of fun visiting her friends home world.

That made Talon very happy, his daughter has always worked hard on the ranch, given how far away from Hyrule Town and Castle is, Malon never got the chance to make any friends and her world became small, something he regretted very much as a father.

So seeing her daughter making friends, seeing new things, learning new things and most of all, not being alone, made Talon feel relieved, he had always regretted having to rely so much on Malon on the ranch after her mother passed away and felt like he had taken away her childhood.

So, Talon was very much glad and grateful that he met Hope and Morgan, even if he couldn't really nap around anymore because Morgan might set him on fire, he can give up on his naps if meant seeing Malon this happy though.

Meanwhile, while Malon excitedly spoke to Talon, Morgan, and Hope spoke with Link about his training, Hope began explaining with "Okay, so we have everything we need! Luckily for us, we got all three spiritual stones in two days, so we can take advantage of how fast we did that and take a few days to really train you, Link".

Link nodded and seemed very motivated to start with his training, Morgan grinned and then spoke next "Alright, we have never really trained anyone before, but Uncle Harry trained us and we have seen him train others as well, I'm sure we can do it well.

We'll do things his way of course, since we know it works and how very effective his training methods are! So! First, you're not going to be using your new gear just yet, we're going to focus on your physical conditioning first!".

Hope nodded "Yup! You're young and very healthy too, but we have to be careful with the kind of training we have in mind, we don't want to stunt your physical growth Link, so you're going to be training under a resistance seal and a times two gravity seal as well.

Helping around the ranch and sparring with us while under those seals, will make you faster and stronger, but that's as far as we will go with those seals, Himawari did say they were dangerous after all".

Link nodded, honestly, all of that sounded really tough, but he was willing to work hard and grow strong, not only to save this world but because of the future as well since he wants to go adventuring all over Hyrule once Ganondorf has been dealt with.

Morgan smiled and then said "We're also putting Lon Lon Ranch under a time dilation ward, a week will pass by outside of it, but in here, two years will pass by, more than enough time for you to learn all the spells and sword skills we have planned for you to learn and time to get accustomed to all your new gear as well.

Though we'll have to ask Talon and Malon first though, since two years will pass for them as well, but we'll ask them in a minute after we're done explaining our plans with you Link".

Link nodded, though Navi suddenly let out a few bell-like sounds as she began to speak "Wait, wait! What do you mean by time dilation? How can two years pass by in here while a week passes outside? How is that even possible?

Hope smiled at the fairy and answered her questions "Well, Daddy taught all of his children how to manipulate time, so we can infuse that concept into a ward, with ease, making time flow differently inside of the ward from the outside of it.

It's very handy too, especially when you want to train new techniques, or just grow stronger, it's how things are done in the Potter Household!".

Navi sweatdropped at what Hope just said the way she explained all of that as if it was the most simple thing in the world made her feel tired for some reason "... you're talking about manipulating a concept like time and making it sound like it's an easy thing to do... that's kinda scary Hope and the fact that your entire family does this is kinda crazy...".

Hope shrugged not really seeing the big deal, after all, this is how it has always been done in the Potter Household "Navi, you met Daddy, do you really think some time manipulation is anything even close to what we can really do? Much less everyone in our family?".

Navi just stayed floating in the air for a few seconds in silence, before speaking "To be honest, I was kinda scared of your father... he felt so powerful, and that feeling of death around him? It made me stay quiet and make myself as small as possible.

In all honesty, I've never felt anything like it, that slime too... its energy was utterly terrifying, I was this close to just running away as far as possible from those two".

Link tilted his head in confusion, he didn't really feel anything like that from Harry and Rimuru, sure, he instinctively knew they were dangerous and very powerful, but he never really felt threatened enough to flee, in fact, he felt the opposite, they both gave him this sense of warm welcoming that made him feel very comfortable.

Morgan noticed the confusion in Link's expression and decided to explain "Link, you couldn't really feel Uncle Harry and Rimuru's true power and nature, because they stand above normal mortals.

You're not powerful enough to even perceive their level of power, but someday you'll get there and when you do, you'll see just how really strong Uncle Harry and Uncle Rimuru are".

Link nodded understanding what Morgan was trying to explain to him, Hope then gave Navi a head pat with her finger "Sorry you were that scared Navi, I guess the fairies in this world have a higher level of sensing, so Daddy and Uncle Rimuru's energy must have been terrifying to you.

Just know that they would never hurt you or Link, you saw that he went out of his way to help him right?".

Navi nodded "Yeah, you're right... sorry, they just left a big impression on me".

Hope nodded and smiled at Navi, Morgan then went on "Okay, after a few months of physical conditioning, then we'll be getting to the good stuff! We'll be teaching you quick-cast magic! Which works well with someone like you Link.

We will teach you all sorts of spells of all kinds of elements and then we'll teach you, all sorts of sword skills as well, practically, we're making you into a magic knight! Uncle Ichigo is one! and he's very powerful!".

Link tilted his head not understanding very well and not knowing who Ichigo was, Hope giggled knowing that Link was probably thinking about what exactly is a magic knight, so she then decided to explain "Magic Knights are skilled with both magic and swordsmanship, wielding a sword and shield in addition to powerful elemental magic and healing magic.

Practically, versatility is their forte, for a magic knight, you can then take one of two different routes but that's something we can worry about later, Morgan and I think, this is the best class for you to learn from, after all, versatility has always been your style".

Link nodded, now that he understood what being a magic knight entailed, he could see how it matches him perfectly, Morgan then giggled and said "Of course, you take versatility to a higher degree since you can wield so many other weapons and change your fighting style in a second when necessary".

Link smiled and seemed very happy with what he was going to be taught, Hope nodded and then said "After you learn all the spells and sword skills we want to teach you, then we'll spend the leftover time sparring.

That way you can put what you learn into practice and get used to using everything you learn, it's going to be two busy years Link, but I'm sure that everything you learn here, will be useful to you, even when Morgan and I aren't here to help".

Link smiled and nodded, he understood that Morgan and Hope wanted to make sure that he would be ready for anything in this world, after all, both of them have to eventually go back to their world to live their lives, they can't always be with him to help.

So Link was even more motivated to learn and grow stronger, he wanted to show his friends that he will be fine on his own, so they can go home with peace of mind, so Link raised his hands in front of his face and then close them into fists.

Link then looked at Morgan and Hope with a determined look, Hope smiled while Morgan grinned, and the trio then nodded in understanding, all three will be giving this two years their all.

This was Morgan and Hope's first time ever teaching someone, but they have a good example as to how a good teacher should be, so, they will follow Harry's style of training and make their friend, Link, a very powerful boy.


After explaining things to Malon and Talon, they didn't much mind that Hope and Morgan wanted to place Lon Lon Ranch under a time dilation ward, it seemed like a good way to take a vacation of sorts, plus it's something that will help Link.

So both agreed knowing full well that two years will pass by inside the ranch, so without any further ado, Hope and Morgan raised a time dilation ward over Lon Lon Ranch, so two years will pass by inside the dilation while only a week will go by outside.

The very next day, Link started his training, Morgan and Hope told him not to use his new gear, the Hero's Tunic's enchantments would make Link's training very easy and he wouldn't benefit from the training that way.

So Link would have to use his regular clothes during most of his training, for six whole months, Link spent his time working out, running around the horse field, lifting things to help Malon and Talon on the ranch, and even climbing trees and walls.

All to help Link raise his physical stats, or at least that's what Morgan had explained all of that working out was for, the six months of physical conditioning were grueling for Link, but he's young and adaptable.

Even under two times gravity and resistance seals, he still improved every day, Hope and Morgan, of course, made sure that he was healthy and safe, they would always heal him when needed and gave them plenty of rest.

Malon helped a lot too, she would always cook a very hearty meal for Link, breakfast, lunch, and dinner was always great and delicious, something Link very much appreciated.

Eventually, Link finished his physical conditioning though, so Hope and Morgan wasted no time in teaching all they could about magic to Link, from how to better control his mana, to how to mold it and increase his mana pool as well.

Link's magic abilities improve by leaps, his mastery of certain elements were better than other though, he seemed to have an affinity for fire, ice, wind, and light, so he picked up spells from those elements rather quickly.

One affinity that Link possessed surprised both Hope and Morgan, Link has a very powerful time affinity, something that is very rare, even among the Potter family, no one had an affinity for time except Harry, but he's a different case altogether.

Sure, everyone can use time magic and whatnot, but having a time affinity was a different matter altogether, so Hope and Morgan taught Link all the time spells they knew and Link soon became a master at casting and using them.

Almost five whole months passed by as Link went through his magical training, reading through the scrolls the girls got for him from the library in Neo Kyoto and he has become a very accomplished Mmage to show for it, one with very powerful and versatile battle spells list under his belt.

Then finally came Link's swordsmanship training, however, he had to use his Kokiri Sword to train, as using the Sword of Courage would make the training too easy.

Still, there was a bit of an issue, both Hope and Morgan don't use swords, so they couldn't really teach Link a sword style or help him learn from the sword skill scrolls, which slowed down Link's training a bit.

Though in the end, it was for the best, this way Link was able to create his very own way of fighting with a sword and shield, sure, it took him another six months to learn everything on the scrolls and feel confident enough in his way of fighting.


A year and five months had passed by then and Link had grown quite a bit, he was ten, almost eleven when he began his training, now he was almost twelve years old and he had become quite the handsome and powerful young man.

One that had Malon acting pretty awkward sometimes, though Link would sometimes get a bit shy with Malon as well since she had begun to grow into a very pretty young lady.

It was obvious to Morgan and Hope that both of their friends had a crush on each other but didn't really know or understand that yet, despite almost being twelve, they were still pretty young.

So, they knew nothing about the new emotions hitting them at all times when together, though eventually they calmed down a bit and continued to be the great friends they have become.

Still, Hope and Morgan knew that in the future Link and Malon would get together, they already acted like a married couple at times, so it was all a matter of time before it happens.

But for now, the training had to be continued and so for the remaining seven months, Link sparred against Hope and Morgan with everything he had learned and more.

Each of Link's friends was very powerful, he knew that from the very beginning, and even though they were holding back a lot, Link had a very hard time sparring against Hope and Morgan.

Each girl had a very different fighting style and preferred method of dealing with enemies, Morgan is wild and unpredictable, she moves quickly like a beast, aggressive and brutal, but her instincts were also sharp.

She never loses herself in battle, always aware of everything around her and that made her very hard to fight, never mind her strength and speed, she was too damn hard to actually hit.

Hope is the opposite of Morgan, she's all about precision and finesse, at first glance, Hope seems like a long-range attacker, Link found out the hard way that she isn't, she can very well wipe the floor with your body using her fist if she wants to.

She hardly moves from one spot and if you get close to her, she'll hit you in places that will leave you on the ground unable to move or just throw you around, all without moving from her spot.

Her accuracy was on point as well, she never misses, not on purpose that is, she'll shoot and hit you with her pistol even when your moving as fast as you can, it was a good thing Hope was using rubber bullets, otherwise, Link would have died a hundred times over if she has used regular ammo.

It was worse when Link had to fight them both at the same time, Hope and Morgan are an unbeatable duo, their teamwork is perfect and their fighting styles compliments each other perfectly as well.

It was almost impossible to even get close to them, much less hit them, Link was very thankful that Hope and Morgan allowed him to use his new gear while sparring with them, to both get used to fighting with it and for him to put into practice what he learned while using his new gear.

Even so, he still couldn't even come close to touching Morgan and Hope, they were just too strong for Link, still, the sparring really helped him though, he was forced to think outside the box in order to at least put up a fight.

He figured out how to add magic to his arrows, to charge his boomerang with mana of different proportions to manipulate the size of the explosions caused by it, he even learned to fight hand to hand as well, since he would often get disarmed by one of the girls.

Even then, he never came close to beating Morgan or Hope, not even touching them, but he did get more skillful, faster, and stronger, he gained a lot of experience fighting beings beyond his power, so he had become far stronger than he noticed.

And thus, his training eventually came to an end and the time dilation around Lon Lon Ranch collapsed, restoring the time flow inside the ranch, Link was caught off guard by it, he honestly forgot about the time dilation, so when it fell signaling that the training was over, he was quite shocked.

Malon noticed it and giggled at his confused expression "Forgot about the time thingy huh, Fairy boy?".

Link nodded and then looked around the ranch, he seemed a bit sad now, which Malon soon realized the reason for, so she smiled and said "Link, you can always come back here, anytime, no matter how much time passes you will always be welcome here".

Link smiled at Malon and seemed relieved, Lon Lon Ranch had become a second home for Link over these past two years during his training, he really didn't want to say goodbye to it, but now knowing that he was always welcome here, made him very happy.

Morgan and Hope soon walked over, Hope smiled at Link and then gave him a nod "Well! Your training is over Link, you really did your best and that is something Morgan and I really appreciate".

Morgan gave Link a thumbs up and then went on "Yeah! You've gotten really powerful now Link, so now! We'll take the gravity and resistance seals off of you".

Link widen his eyes in surprise, he had quite honestly forgotten that he had those seals on, Hope waved her hand towards Link and his body glowed for a bit and then stopped.

Link immediately felt lighter and began to move his limbs while grinning at how lighter and limber he felt now that he didn't have anything hindering him anymore, he felt better than ever even.

Morgan then threw a miracle gel at Link, which he easily caught and immediately ate, everything in his body was healed and his mana reserves filled completely, making him feel even better.

He then nodded to Hope and Morgan, Hope smiled in response and said "Now that we're done here, we'll leave tomorrow morning to meet with Princess Zelda and see what we should do next.

For now, take this day to relax, rest and get used to moving around without the seals on you".

Link nodded, with that decided, the kids had a lazy day and just rested, though they did help around the ranch as well, for a few hours at least, but eventually, the day was over and everyone went to sleep.


The next morning, Link, Hope, and Morgan woke up early and helped around the ranch one more time before leaving, Malon cooked them a big breakfast and soon the trio got ready to leave.

Malon helped Link with his gear, while Link equipped everything Harry and Rimuru had made for him, everything still looked good as new because the enchantments weaved into the gear and he couldn't help but smile because of this fact, Malon smiled and smoothed Link's tunic "Take care of yourself Fairy Boy, you still need to take me adventuring around Hyrule, you promised after all".

Link blushed a bit, but nodded, Malon noticed Link blush and grinned in amusement, which made Link playfully roll his eyes at her, until a few seconds later they both began to laugh together, Hope and Morgan just let them have their moment.

Though inwardly, they were amused with how both Link and Malon looked like an old married couple once again when they acted like this, more specifically, they both looked like how Susan and Harry act when they're together and that made both Hope and Morgan fondly smile.

After that, the trio said their goodbyes to Malon, Talon, and Lon Lon Ranch for now, and began to travel to Hyrule Castle, though they decided to walk there since they didn't feel like rushing, after all, only ten days had passed since Princess Zelda set them on their quest to gather the spiritual stones.

Or at least, that's how long has passed for her, since for Link, Morgan, and Hope two years and three days had passed by, still they weren't in a real hurry, so they took their time traversing the enormous Hyrule Field towards Hyrule Castle.

Though, as they began to approach Hyrule Castle, something very obvious was going on, the sky above Hyrule Town and Hyrule Castle had been darkened by black stormy clouds.

There was an odd sinister air blowing around and a sense of pure evil was felt by the trio, Hope and Morgan frowned not linking what they were feeling, Link was now on full alert as he stared toward Hyrule Castle in concern.

Hope frowned and looked at the stormy dark sky "Something is happening...something bad".

Morgan nodded "Yeah, and I bet anything that Ganondorf has something to do with all of this".

Link pointed toward Hyrule Castle, and both Morgan and Hope realized right away what he was trying to tell them, Hope nodded "Yeah... I'm also worried about Princess Zelda".

Morgan nodded as well and then said "Yeah, we should hurry and see what's happening, who knows what Ganondorf is trying to pull just to get what he wants, we already know he's willing to do some very evil things...".

Both Hope and Link nodded, if there was something they learned from their quest to find the spiritual stones, was that Ganondorf was one evil guy willing to make anyone suffer to get what he wants.

The trio made their way towards Hyrule Castle a bit faster than before, the closer they got to it the more they began to tense up, something terrible was happening and they didn't know what it was, but it was obviously bad though, bad enough to make Hope and Morgan feel worried.

Soon, they arrived at the gates of Hyrule Castle, however, they were closed for some unknown reason, so the kids stay in front of it thinking of what to do next, only for the gates to suddenly drop surprising the trio, the surprises didn't stop there as a horse suddenly rushed out of Hyrule Castle forcing the trio to get out of the way.

Hope, Morgan, and Link looked back towards the horse who almost ran them over, only to get confused when they saw both Impa and Zelda on top of the horse, Zelda noticed them and widen her eyes while opening her mouth to yell something at the trio, but before anything could happen.

Another horse ran out of Hyrule Castle, this one was black with red eyes, and riding on top of it was none other than Ganondorf, who had a malicious grin on his face as he chased after Zelda and Impa.

Zelda gasped when she saw Ganondorf and was about to throw something at her friends, only to stop when she saw them disappear in blurs, Zelda looked around worried for her friends thinking something had happened to them.

Only for her eyes to widen once more this time in shock, when Morgan suddenly appeared beside Ganondorf and kicked him off his horse, sending him crashing against the ground in the middle of Hyrule Field, Impa heard the impact and stopped her horse only to gape when she caught sight of Ganondorf rolling to the side in a panic, when Link drop from above Ganondorf sword first, intending to impale him through.

Ganondorf stopped rolling and glared at Link as he pulled his sword out of the ground and stood up, the Gerudo King growled and stood up in front of Link "You're the kid running around and gathering the spiritual stones... I have to thank you for collecting them for me boy".

Link frowned at Ganondorf and then pointed his sword towards him, Ganondorf was about to laugh at him in amusement but froze when he saw, Hope and Morgan walk to his side, he wasn't worried about Link, but the girls? They were completely different altogether from Link and Ganondorf knew it.

Suddenly Hope snapped her fingers and a barrier surrounded a large area around them and Ganondorf, leaving only Zelda and Impa outside of it, Hope glared at Ganondorf and then spoke to him with a cold voice "Me and Morgan have been wanting to get our hands on you... you and your actions in this kingdom have annoyed us quite a bit".

Morgan cracked her fingers and then pointed a finger at Ganondorf "I've wanted to punch your face repeatedly for a while now! But... Link wants to play with you first, so we'll let him have his fun".

Hope smiled and nodded to Link "You think too highly of yourself... but your nothing, really, with the training Link has gone through, he's more than capable of dealing with you".

Link walked forward and swung his Sword of Courage around while equipping his Hylian Shield on his free arm, he then took on his fighting stance with the Hylian Shield in front of him and his sword at his side ready to attack.

Ganondorf narrowed his eyes, not only at what the girls said but at the fact that the kids seemed very different for some odd reason, taller, stronger, and even more confident.

Ganondorf was starting to get a bad feeling about all of this, especially because, even if he were to defeat the kid, he was sure those girls wouldn't let him get away, the barrier around them showed him just how powerful those two little girls are.

The sheer amount of mana the barrier was radiating was staggering, the King of the Gerudo had never felt such an amount of mana before, not even him, who is a master of magic can put out that much mana, much less create such powerful and scary looking barrier around a large area like this.

Not without some preparation first, the barrier told him that these kids weren't planning to let him get away, Ganondorf glanced outside of the barrier where Princess Zelda and her retainer stood watching what was going on inside the barrier.

He almost got what he had been trying to get all of this time, the Ocarina of Time was within his reach now, and the Spiritual Stones had been gathered, but now, there was no way to get them.

Not with those girls here, Ganondorf growled in rage and let his magic power explode from his body, Zelda and Impa gasped in shock, while Hope, Morgan, and Link stood there unaffected by the maelstrom of mana engulfing Ganondorf.

It was impressive sure, for the standard of this world that is, to Morgan and Hope, this was nothing comparable to anything anyone in the Potter household can do, Ganondorf was just, nothing special to them.

To Link, in another time, in another world, he might have been intimated or even scared for his life, but the him of now, who spent two years training and a lot of months facing the likes of Morgan and Hope, him who had met Harry Potter, the Dragon God.

To him Ganondorf was just nothing to him, not when Link has become far more powerful than anyone in this world could have anticipated, Morgan suddenly placed a hand on Link's shoulder and said "Go, you got this! Show this guy the consequences of his annoying actions!".

Hope placed her hands on Link's other shoulder and took her turn to speak "This is it Link, the end of your adventure to save Hyrule and help Princess Zelda! Show this world who you are and what you can do now!".

Link nodded and then narrowed his eyes at Ganondorf, who suddenly roared as his mana began to to turn black with lightning lashing out at everything around him, Navi suddenly popped out of Link's Tunic and said "You can do it Link! Show Ganondorf who he's messing with!".

Ganondorf began to darkly chuckle and then he suddenly began to laugh loudly as he floated up, Link looked up at his enemy and got ready for this fight, Zelda and Impa were staring into the barrier with worried looks on their faces.

Meanwhile, Hope and Morgan suddenly pushed Link forward while yelling at the same time the same thing "Go!".

Link grinned and took off running, he then jumped towards the powered-up Ganondorf, who stopped laughing and began to charge his hand with blue lightning and got ready to meet Link, who yelled and swung his Sword at Ganondorf.

The battle between Ganondorf and Link is about begin, Ganondorf won't win, he knows that, but a cornered animal is dangerous, so will Link's training pay off and help him defeat the Gerudo King? or will Hope and Morgan have to intervene?

No one knows, but Zelda, Impa, and even the three golden goddesses were about to witness something they have never expected, something amazing, something they will never forget.