Chapter 53

Ganondorf grinned as Link quickly approached him in mid-air, as soon as the young Hero got close to him, the Gerudo King swung his arm and fired a wave of blue lightning towards Link, expecting him not to be able to dodge, Ganondorf darkly chuckled.

Only to gape, when Link drop a few inches down in mid-air and let the blue lightning wave fly over him and then continued flying towards Ganondorf, who couldn't believe what he was seeing "You can fly!".

Link didn't respond and immediately reached Ganondorf, the Gerudo King had to quickly push himself away from the young Hero, for Link quickly tried to cut Ganondorf's head off, the Gerudo King was barely able to avoid his death, but Link was on him again a second later.

Ganondorf was forced to make himself fly backward even faster to avoid the very fast and precise slash that Link sent his way, however, the young hero's attack was too fast and so abrupt, that Ganondorf didn't have time to do anything else but be on defensive, to avoid getting cut down by Link.

This caused confusion and frustration to build up in Ganondorf until he suddenly roared and let his dark Mana explode from his body, Link sensed the build-up of mana inside Ganondorf's body, and knowing what was coming, he immediately covered his body with the Hylian Shield.

The explosion of dark Mana hit Link's Hylian Shield and hurled him back from the force of the impact, however, the Hylian Shield's Enchantments also bounced off some of the dark mana back towards Ganondorf, who grunted as he was sent flying back until he slammed into the barrier behind him.

Link let his momentum carry him down to the ground and as soon as his body hit the floor, he rolled back, and put away his shield and sword, while pulling out his hero's bow, he immediately pulled on the string and an arrow loaded itself into the bow.

Link then charged it with fire magic and shot it a second later, Ganondorf huffed in a bit of pain from the impact his back had with the barrier behind him, but then his eyes widen when he saw a fire arrow coming his way, he immediately let himself drop down and avoided getting blasted by the fire infused arrow.

However, the fire arrow violently exploded upon impacting the barrier, unleashing a firestorm above Ganondorf who flinched and grunted in pain from the heat released by the explosion, until he landed on the ground and dropped to his knees in pain.

He looked up to glare at Link, only to gape when he saw him aiming at him with his bow and charging an arrow with an enormous amount of holy light, Link narrowed his eyes at Ganondorf and then softly spoke "Purifying glow... pierce through... Divine Shine!"

Link let go of the arrow as golden holy light swirled around the tip of the arrow and then, with a like loud sound of a canon blast, the divine shine flew through the air like a golden comet in space towards Ganondorf.

The Gerudo King immediately threw himself to the side as he watched the young hero's technique, dig a deep trench on the ground as it cut through the air towards him, Ganondorf was able to avoid getting his chest pierced through.

But he was then blasted away from the force the divine shine was fired with, the Gerudo King was sent rolling on the ground as the technique crashed against the barrier and violently exploded.

Ganondorf quickly stood up from the ground and quickly began to attack, he sent balls of blue lightning towards Link, but he just put away his bow and equipped his sword and shield again, the young hero then took off running towards Ganondorf while batting away the blue lightning orbs coming his way, with his sword.

Ganondorf growled as he watch his spells unable to even slow down Link, he suddenly charged mana into his free hand and then quickly waved it towards Link, while still shooting the blue lightning orbs towards him.

A massive orb of yellow lighting shot forward from Ganondorf's free hand and then split into a multitude of smaller orbs in mid-air before shooting forward toward Link, the young hero narrowed his eyes at the attack, as he kept running forward.

Ganondorf grinned thinking he finally got Link, but Link's eyes suddenly glowed blue and time slowed down to a crawl around him, allowing him to quickly move between Ganondorf's spells in a split second.

For Ganondorf, it was something he didn't expect, one second he had almost blasted Link apart, and the next he passed his spells and kept running towards him, the Gerudo King had never seen anything like that and it definitely caught him off guard.

What Ganondorf didn't know, was that Link had learned how to use and control his time affinity to such an extent, that he can slow time down around him, allowing him to move between time and avoid attacks, all with a single look.

His mastery of the time affinity was such, that he could even see a few seconds into the future and react ahead of time, a very impressive ability, sure, it didn't do squat against Hope and Morgan, but a regular man, even if that man is a powerful mage, didn't stand a chance to react or even perceive what Link did.

This is why, Ganondorf ended up getting his chest opened by Link and then kicked to the side by a spinning kick, Ganondorf actually screamed in pain from the slash and the powerful kick that sent him flying to the side.

But Link wasn't done, he pointed his Sword of Courage towards Ganondorf and used the time spell 'Stop', causing Ganondorf to stop in mid-air temporarily, Link wasted no time and immediately ran towards Ganondorf and unleashed a sword slash combo at him.

Stopped in time, Ganondorf couldn't physically react to Link's attacks, so the young hero continued on, he suddenly paused and unleashed a series of thrusts with his sword, a technique called 'Sword Rain'.

He then stopped for a second, jumped back, and then thrust forward with the Sword of Courage, as soon as the sword stabbed through Ganondorf's body, a lightning bolt dropped from the sky right on the frozen-in-time Gerudo King's body, this technique is aptly called Lightning Thrust.

But Link wasn't done yet, he then pulled his sword back, charged it with golden holy light, and then spin slashed Ganondorf, not only cutting into him but also blasting him with the golden holy light, at the end of his spin, Link jabbed his sword upwards and released the charged golden holy light in a blast of mana, this technique is called 'Light Spear Cannon'.

By the time Link finished his last sword skill, the effects of his 'Stop' spell ran out, Ganondorf found himself getting hit by everything Link attacked him with, all at the same time, causing him to scream in agony and then get sent flying through the air.

He soon crashed against the ground and rag-dolled for a good distance until his body finally skidded to a stop, the Gerudo King rolled into his back and coughed up blood, while he suddenly roared in rage and pain, his clothes and the ground beneath him began to get drenched with his blood.

Ganondorf was utterly confused, but most of all enraged, after all, how can Link have gotten this powerful? When did this happen? He had been aware of the kid's adventures, sure, he had seen his battles with his monsters and he had never seen the boy show any signs of holding this much power.

Ganondorf couldn't understand, just what had happened, suddenly, all thoughts escaped his mind when Link suddenly dropped from the sky and came down on top of Ganondorf sword first.

The Gerudo King gasped in both shock and pain as he felt Link's sword go through his body, Ganondorf coughed up a big amount of blood as he looked up towards Link's face and stared into his blue eyes.

The young hero pushed his sword deeper into Ganondorf's chest, causing the Gerudo King to tremble and lose all air from his lungs, Link looked down at his enemy and frowned at him "... That's for the Great Deku Tree... the Gorons... and the Zoras...".

Link doesn't speak much, it's something that everyone who knows him, knows and accepts from him, but there are times when he does, recently, he does it whenever he's casting magic, though he only really does it because Malon told him once, that he sounds and looks cool chanting magic.

This particular situation however, made Link also speak to the Gerudo King, he felt that he needed to let Ganondorf know, the things he has to answer for before he dies, he needed Ganondorf to know why he had lost and died today.

Ganondorf glared at Link and then grabbed hold of the Sword of Courage, Link narrowed his eyes at Ganondorf and then watched as the Gerudo King began to try to pull the sword out of his body, with whatever strength he had left "You... you're just an ignorant child... I won't let you get in the way of my goals... Hyrule will be mine and I will kill you!

The Triforce will belong to me! and you and those girls with you, won't stoooop meeee!".

Ganondorf's body exploded with mana and dark energy, Link immediately jumped back and landed not to far from Hope and Morgan, who frowned as they watched Ganondorf's form suddenly stand up and change.

He began to grow and his form morphed into some sort of giant creature, the dark energy and mana dissipated revealing Ganondorf's new form, Ganon, Hope sighed and shook her head "I see... he didn't have the power and mana to change into this form easily.

He ended up sacrificing his mind to be able to become this monster, what a horrendous dark magic spell, he's nothing but a mindless beast now"

Morgan scoffed at Ganon "What a sore loser, he did all of this because, he knew he wouldn't be able to beat Link, much less us".


~In the Realm of the Goddesses~

Din frowned as she saw her champion give up everything that made him so great, just to become a mindless beast "Fool...".

Nayru shook her head "What a shame, that's one less champion for us".

Farore frowned at what she was seeing "I thought Ganondorf couldn't turn into Ganon without the Triforce of Power... how is this possible?".

Din sighed and then glared at Ganon "Ganondorf is gone, that beast is nothing but wild instincts given form, what a waste... though, part of me can't blame Ganondorf for doing this, after all, Link has become so powerful it's not even funny".

Farore grinned at Din, who rolled her eyes, the Goddess of Courage was still upset with how the kids just went through her puzzle through brute force.

But, she was still thankful that Hope and Morgan had helped Link become this strong, it is something never before seen, a Link that is this powerful is sure to bring a lot of changes to the world, good changes.

Nayru then spoke "Oh! Looks like Morgan and Hope are joining on the fight... I feel bad for Ganon now".

Din nodded "Me too, even though he does deserve it, a part of me can't help but feel bad for the fool".

Farore maliciously grinned "Yeah! Break his kneecaps!".

Ganondorf was truly hated by Farore, something that always leaves Din and Nayru feeling bad for Ganondorf, though no one really knew why Farore hates Ganondorf so much, and every time Farore was asked, she would go on a long rant so fast, no one could understand what she was saying.


Hope and Morgan stepped forward and got ready to go and punish Ganon for everything he had done, Link nodded at his friends and stepped back, he already got his turn, so both Hope and Morgan deserved theirs as well, though, Link felt a bit bad for Ganon.

Ganon roared and rushed forward toward Hope and Morgan, what happened next was so brutal and gruesome, that Link had to look away, Princess Zelda winced and looked away, while Impa watched on impressed.

Hope and Morgan proceed to break, both of Ganon's legs and punch his face multiple times until he's face became putty, the girls didn't stop and showed no mercy as they proceeded to destroy their enemy, in the end, Ganon died very painfully and whatever was left of his body was blurred by the world itself.

The Goddesses were definitely shocked at the brutality, well except Farore, who had been cheering and recording the whole thing, from beginning to end, it was truly lucky that Ganon no longer had a mind, or the suffering would have been horrendous.

In the end, both Hope and Morgan felt pretty relieved and at peace, Morgan smiled and then stretched "Yeeeah! That felt good! Really liked that snapping sound from Ganon's legs, that was fun!".

Hope nodded "So was punching his face off!".

Link sweatdropped at his friend's comment, he inwardly vowed again to never make Morgan or Hope angry, not after he had seen what happens to those who do, sweet Goddesses was something both incredible and terrifying to see.

Hope then destroyed the wards around them and the trio then walked over to Princess Zelda, who was gaping at them, while Impa grinned and clapped "A very well-fought battle young Link, and girls, that was amazing".

Link smiled feeling proud of the praise, while Hope and Morgan grinned at Impa, Hope then decided to ask "So what happened?".

Impa frowned and turned her head towards Princess Zelda, who looked down and seemed to want to cry "... I don't know why, but Ganondorf suddenly attacked everyone in the castle along with his monsters, he killed everyone...including my father...".

Hope raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Impa, who gave her a nod of confirmation, Hope sighed and scratched her head "I think he knew of your plan Zelda.

He must have known we were coming with the three spiritual stones to meet you and thought it was the right time to get his plans underway".

Zelda looked down "I see... it was foolish of me to think I could fool someone as evil and cunning as Ganondorf, he was always ten steps ahead of me if only Father had heeded my words".

Impa sighed and shook her head "That attack was so fast, I only had time to get the Princess and try to escape, but Ganondorf was already waiting for us, the Princess has the last object he needed to get what he wanted".

Morgan tilted her head "Object? You mean the Ocarina of Time you mentioned before right?".

Princess Zelda nodded and pull out the Ocarina of Time, a small ocarina, blue in color and with a very distinctive energy around it, one of divine origin, Hope and Morgan raised an eyebrow at the magical instrument, until Link pulled on their hands drawing the girls attention to him.

Link then pointed towards Hyrule Castle and then looked at both Morgan and Hope with a determined look in his eyes, Morgan grinned at Link understanding what he wanted to do "Of course we're going to help Link!".

Hope nodded "Yeah, besides, I have a few strong words for the king for not listening to Zelda... might break a leg too.. depends on my mood.".

Zelda sweatdropped and was now very worried for her father, Impa grinned hoping that the king learns his lesson, well that is until Zelda realized something "Wait, how are you going to teach father a lesson? He's dead...".

Hope and Morgan grinned at Zelda, Link just smiled but inwardly he was worried for the king too, Morgan then said "Don't worry Zelda! We'll bring the king back to life, but first! We need to kill all the monsters that are probably inside the castle right now!".

Morgan fist-pumped, Hope soon joined her, and Link smiled and also fist-pumped with his friends as well, before Princess Zelda could further question the trio, they quickly took off running towards the castle.

Zelda was left standing there looking perplexed to all hell, Impa suddenly laughed which caused Princess Zelda to pout and glare at her, Impa just grinned at her and then said "Lets go Princess, I want to see what sort of miracle Hope and Morgan pull off".

Zelda sighed but nodded, she too wanted to see what her crazy friends were going to pull off next, especially with what she just saw them do to Ganondorf, he might have deserved it but wow... Zelda is never going to forget what she saw today, even Link had impressed her a lot.


The group quickly went back to Hyrule Castle, which was completely full of monsters of all types, these monsters were attacking everything in a frenzy, what was once a beautiful castle, was now close to being ruins and the sight of it made Princess Zelda, extremely sad.

However, that sadness soon turned into amazement when Hope, Morgan, and Link proceeded to utterly and completely killed off every monster inside the castle, all of this done, in the most gruesome way as well, Princess Zelda had never seen anything like it.

She even flinched and winced every time her friends brutally slaughtered a monster, like Morgan, who ripped the spine out of lizalfos, or Hope who kicked the head off a darknut.

Even Link was being brutal whenever he defeated a monster, Impa was once again impressed with how strong and skillful the kids are, she didn't know how Link got so strong, but she wanted some of what he had, cause she can clearly see how powerful he had become.

Eventually, the castle was cleared of all monsters, Zelda and Impa then watched Morgan and Hope gather and pick up every drop the monsters left upon death and put it away in some sort of red gauntlet that appeared on Morgan's arm.

With that done, Princess Zelda then had to watch as Morgan and Hope gathered everyone who died in the castle and then drop them in a pile just outside of Hyrule Castle.

Even her father was dumped on top of the pile and Zelda did not know how to feel about that, Impa found it hilarious though, and even giggled at the sight of the pile, as morbid as it was, she found it funny how Hope and Morgan did not care much about anything and just did whatever they felt like.

Then, things got insane, as both Morgan and Hope suddenly chanted a spell, light gathered around their bodies and then a big magic circle spread underneath the pile of dead bodies.

A beam of light soon shot up from the magic circle and engulfed the dead bodies in a beautiful golden light, Hope and Morgan then said the same thing at the same time "'Resurrection!'".

The pillar of light exploded and showered the area in its golden glow, Zelda watched it all with awe until groans of pain began to be heard from the pile of bodies, Zelda watch this happen in shock, until her father, suddenly rolled down the top of the pile with a scream.

Until he crashed on the ground and groaned in pain, making Zelda sweatdrop at what had happened to her father, Impa just laughed and then said "I just love those two girls!"

After everyone from the castle that had died when Ganondorf attacked with his monsters, was brought back to life, there was a bit of chaos, everyone was understandably confused and scared, after all, the last thing everyone remembered, was that they were being attacked by monsters and then dying.

It was worse for the king, he had been tortured for information and because he refuse to answer to Ganondorf, he was made to suffer a lot, though he received no sympathy from his kingdom's heroes.

Young Link didn't say anything, but the king could see in his eyes that he was not happy with him, Morgan and Hope straight up told him how much of an idiot he was for not listening to Zelda, his daughter.

In fact, Zelda had to hold them back -rather, she got dragged- to stop Morgan and Hope from beating him, though the king would have let them, for he himself knew, he was a fool for ignoring his daughter's warning.

She had told him that Ganondorf was not a good man, she had told him of her dream and what was needed to do, but he didn't listen, and tried to make peace with the Gerudo King.

Kids, three children, had to go and save his kingdom, the king felt that he had failed, not only as king but as a father and an adult as well, when he had said this and apologized to Hope, Morgan, and Link, it stopped them from wanting to hit him.

After that, the kids explained what they have been doing all of this time, these three kids saved the Great Deku Tree, the Gorons, and the Zoras, they had done, what he should have taken care of, the Great Deku Tree is important for the forests in Hyrule.

Without him, they would die and along with that, the animals and magical beings of Hyrule, the Gorons are old-time friends and allies, they keep guard of Death Mountain and make sure it doesn't erupt.

Without them, the supply of bombs and mining would have taken a toll, but more importantly, as a sworn brother of the Gorons, he would have failed both as King of Hyrule and as a man.

And then the Zoras, if anything had happened to their domain or to the Zoras themselves, Hyrule's rivers and lakes would have dried up, or worse, taken by something or someone.

The King couldn't even think of how his kingdom would have suffered without their supply of crystal clear water, these three kids had saved Hyrule more than three times already, and all under Zelda's requests to gather the spiritual stones to save him and everyone in his castle.

As King of Hyrule, he had to show gratitude and reward the kids, not only for their bravery but because of the miracle that was brought to him and everyone in the castle.


~A few moments later~

The king stared at Morgan, Hope, and Link, as they stood in front of his throne after the girls spent some time fixing all the damages around the castle, it needed to be done since everyone who was dead was brought back to life and they all live in the castle.

At first, Hope and Morgan weren't going to fix the castle, especially because it was the king's fault for not listening to Zelda, that the castle was attacked and destroyed in the first place.

But, they couldn't really leave anyone who lived in the castle on the streets, so, in the end, they fixed it, now they were standing in front of the king, since he wanted to speak with them, and honestly Hope and Morgan didn't look happy to be in front of the king right now.

Something that he notice right away, the glares sent his way were evidence enough that the girls didn't really like him at the moment, but still, he has a duty as a king, so he cleared his throat and began to speak "Young children, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for Hyrule and its people.

I owe you three a big debt, for not only saving my daughter, but also the Gorons, Zoras, the Great Deku Tree, and everyone else you brought your aid to, the fact that I, as well as many people of the castle, got a second chance to live is a miracle brought about by you two, Morgan and Hope.

As King of Hyrule, I would like to award you, speak and tell me what you desire?".

Hope hummed, while Morgan and Link turned their heads towards her to see what she would say, the little Potter then said "... How about you let us come and go to visit Zelda whenever we want?".

The king raised an eyebrow and turned his head towards Zelda, he saw her cheerfully smile at her friends, happy that they wanted to visit her, the king closed his eyes and nodded "Very well, you may come and go into the castle as you wish. The doors to my home are always open for you three... please, take care of my daughter and protect her as her friends from now on".

Zelda turned her head towards her father and stared t him in confusion "Father?".

The king smiled and looked up "Zelda... I've failed you as a king and more importantly, as a father... I should have listened to you from the very beginning, but no, I didn't and that forced you to seek help.

Help from three young brave kids, kids that shouldn't have to risk themselves as they did, that's something I have to live with from now on... my decisions almost brought ruin to Hyrule and I will never forgive myself for that.

But, if something good came out of this entire debacle, is that you, my daughter, found three great allies and friends, people I know will protect you".

Zelda teared up a bit, Morgan suddenly sighed and scratched her head "Well... at least it seems like you regret not listening to Zelda, that's good, now I don't want to punch you in the face anymore...".

The king sweatdropped at the blatant desire to hit him that can be seen in Morgan's eyes, Link chuckled while Hope just smiled, Morgan then sighed and nodded "Don't worry, we'll always be there for Zelda".

Hope and Link nodded in agreement, Zelda looked very happy that her new friends liked her enough to want to care for her, as the king nodded and then said "Thank you... I was going to ask you three to stay in the castle, to become her personal knights, but I can see that you three have other plans, right?".

Hope nodded "Yes, Morgan and I have to go home, our family is waiting for us, Link wants to go adventuring around Hyrule, with a friend of ours, she's waiting for him to return, so I'm sure he's going be busy for a while, but don't worry, we'll come to visit often".

Zelda narrowed her eyes at the mention that Link has a female friend that he's going to be adventuring around with, she didn't know why, but that tidbit of information annoyed her for some unknown reason.

Morgan and Hope noticed, and both grinned in amusement, knowing that Link's life will be getting hectic in the future with both Malon and Zelda going after him, Hope then looked up and began to think that it would be a good idea to have her daddy speak to Link about harems.

But that's for the future, the king nodded and then spoke again "I see, then go and know that Hyrule will always be ready to aid you in any way we can!".

Hope, Morgan, and Link nodded, with that done, they said their goodbyes to Impa and Zelda while promising to come and visit soon.

The trio then left Hyrule Castle and got ready to visit some friends to say goodbye for now and to let them know, that everything was finally resolved.

And so Hope and Morgan first visited the Kokiri forest and went to see Saria, who was very happy to see them, especially Link, she immediately went to hug everyone, but then noticed that Link was taller now and far more masculine.

It surprised her a bit and made her sad, since it meant that Link was growing up and that she would soon be left behind, Link, of course, noticed the sadness in his friend, so he smiled and picked her by the armpits, which made Saria squeak in shock and then glare at Link.

Link just gave her a smile, one that told Saria, that no matter how much time passes, how much things change, or whatever else might happen, he would always be her friend, that smile from Link made Saria very happy and feel at ease.

Hope and Morgan watched the exchange and decided to ask Harry, if there was anything they could do for Saria, both were sure that Harry could do something for her and with that reunion done, the kids then went to see the Great Deku Tree and explained what had happened.

The Deku Tree was very happy that everything was resolved quickly and without much chaos, and that Ganondorf was made to pay for his actions as well.

The kids then tried to return the Kokiri Emerald, but the Great Deku Tree told them to keep it, that in their hands the spiritual stone will be very much protected from anything, Hope and Morgan chose Link to be the holder of the Kokiri Emerald, it made sense for him to be its guardian after all.

The kids then went to Death Mountain and to the Gorons' city, once there they spoke with Darunia and told him what had happened with Ganondorf, and Hyrule Castle, the boss of the Gorons, was understandably concerned for his other sworn brother, the king.

But Hope and Morgan explained that he was okay, Darunia then decided to leave the Gorons' Ruby with them as well, his reason? He trusted them as his sworn brothers to keep it safe.

Hope was chosen as the holder of the Gorons' Ruby, why? because she said so and no one wanted to argue with her.

Then came Zoras and boy was it awkward, Ruto grabbed hold of Morgan's arm and did not let go as the kids explained to the King of the Zoras what had happened, the Zora's king was relieved that Ganondorf was no more and that his evil plans were stopped.

Like Darunia and the Great Deku Tree decided to do, the Zora's King decided to leave the Zoras' Sapphire to the kids, here is where Morgan and Link realized why Hope chose the Gorons' Ruby to hold.

Ruto had already given the Zoras' Sapphire as a wedding proposal and Hope did not want to deal with that, leaving poor Morgan as the guardian of the Zoras' Sapphire and Ruto's fiancé, much to Morgan's annoyance, though Hope, Link, and even the King of the Zoras found her suffering amusing.

Morgan tried to make Ruto understand that she was a girl but Ruto gave zero shits about that small detail and already called her hubby, Morgan just gave up trying to make her see reason and just left, Hope and Link followed after her right after.

After that little trip around Hyrule to see those they met in their adventure in this world, Hope, Morgan, and Link were now standing in the middle of Hyrule Field, not to far from Lon Lon Ranch, Hope smiled and then said "Well, it's time for Morgan and I to go Link".

Morgan nodded, Link smiled and then suddenly hugged both girls, of course, they were more than happy to return the hug, Link then spoke to them, which surprised them a bit "Thank you...".

Morgan and Hope smiled, then they let go of Link, Morgan then waved at Link and said "Say goodbye to Malon for us and tell her, that we'll come to visit soon".

Hope nodded "Yeah when Daddy is done with whatever he's doing right now, we'll ask him to make a portal to this world, this way, we can all visit each other whenever we want".

Link smiled and nodded, with that said, Hope and Morgan quickly used their world jump system, and as reality, time, and space shattered around the girls, they waved goodbye to their friend.

Link watched as the very fabric of reality fixed itself and the girls were gone, the young hero smiled and then turned around, Link then blurred as he rushed towards Lon Lon Ranch to see Malon and tell her about everyone that happened.