Going All Out

The ground shook aggressively, causing the Goblin to want to lose his foothold.

While the Goblin was trying to maintain his foothold, the four Generals were planning their next form of attack from behind the wall.

"third general, I need you to make a hole in the wall, big enough for my arrow to go through" (second general).

"scatter!!" (first general).

The third general, focusing on making the hole, the second general, preparing his bow for his next aim, the fourth general on standby and high alert for when he might be needed by the other three Generals.

The three generals in one way or the other, were busy with forming up strategies.

As for the first general, he was thinking of possibilities, and crafting up ideas, thinking of what the Goblin might and might not be capable of,

His highest priority during his moment of processing his thoughts, was observing the movements of the Goblin.