Taking Back The Wheel

'what is wrong with me?......'

'why did I shrivel up when I saw the four Goblin generals?...'


'that is what it was',

'that is why I crouched on the ground',

'but why?...'

'i had gotten stronger, the past me cannot even hold a candle to the current me'.

'i entered the gate and successfully inherited the fire guardian's legacy',

'it has made me stronger, amplified my strength to an height I could only dream off'.

'I have gotten really stronger...'


'for what reasons am I still being like this?....'

'do I wish to be pitied?....'

'i was captured and tortured so what?'.

'I Killed Tarja's mother, doesn't she deserve to be pitied as well?......'

'i do not deserve being pitied by anybody',

'despite having the power to change myself, I let myself be submissive to fear and trauma'.

'sure I have been hurt and scarred, but that alone isn't good enough as a reason for me to remain scared'.