Ch 7- The Trump Card-- Part 3

The next morning, the warm rays of the sun woke me up from my sleep. My whole body was sore and when I opened my eyes, it was to find that the bed beside me was empty.

Last night felt like a wonderful dream but the bedsheet full of our body fluids denied that theory. I stood up from my bed and immediately wanted to look around but my uncomfortable bladder made me run straight to the bathroom.

I came out after a while and searched around the room for some kind of note before I found one on the bedside table.

"I am really sorry to smash and dash, but I wanted to be at home before my daughters woke up and you didn't look like someone who would rise for a while. But you should be very happy to know that I've never been more satisfied in my life and coming from a Veela, that would be the highest form of compliment. So farewell Mr white and If fate decrees it, we may even meet again,"

I didn't know how to feel about the letter. On one side I had missed the opportunity to have some amazing morning sex, while on the other side, her compliment made me want to brag to the whole world.

I sighed and went to the mirror, I had the abs and biceps of someone who had been exercising for years. The nutrition potion along with ample training had given me a body only models had.

I shook my head and while looking at myself tried to do the transformation I had achieved last night. I hadn't tried my animagus form even once yet so I was a bit nervous. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, thinking of the grim which immediately made the feeling rise again, and this time I didn't restrain it, and suddenly my body started changing.

When I opened my eyes, I found out that my point of view instead of lowering had risen up quite a bit. The Grim inside the mirror was a lot larger than the one in Sirius's memories.

The animal in the mirror was completely different than the oversized dog in Sirius's memories. Huge muscles had appeared all across my body and my teeth had grown from just being a little dangerous to looking like they could tear a man in half.

The strength I could feel was out of this world, I felt as If I could run faster than a cheetah, and wrestle an elephant to death. I wasn't a Grim anymore, I looked like Fu**ing Cerebrus.

I found it really hard to move around in this small room so after a while of checking myself, I closed my eyes and tried to turn back into my human form. Immediately I could feel bones all across my body shrinking rapidly, while it was not exactly painful, it was very comfortable. I opened my eyes and immediately felt the absence of the all-powerful feeling, my human body was absurdly weak compared to my form.

I immediately started pacing around the room and utilized every bit of my brain power to figure out the reason for this and at the end of an hour, the only thing I could conclude was that it happened due to my soul.

From Sirius's memories, I understood that an Animagus at its core was considered to be a form of soul magic and when my soul strength increased due to the merger, it also enhanced my Animagus form.

I took some calming breaths before I went back in front of the mirror. This time I tried to achieve the half-grim form, from last night and found it very hard. I either immediately turned into my animagus form or didn't turn at all.

After about fifteen minutes of repeated efforts, I achieved that form, my eyes slowly turned black and my teeth became sharper, and I found my body filled with immense strength, not as much as my animagus form, but about half that. I tried to move and immediately realized that my speed had left human capabilities.

Unfortunately, I could only hold onto that state for a few seconds before I transformed back. And when I turned back I found myself so tired that I could not even stand straight. It took quite a while for me to recover.

I didn't try that again that day, because from experimenting I understood that I would not be able to achieve mastery over that form easily, instead would have to work on it for quite a while. But one thing I was happy about was that I finally had some kind of a trump card that could be helpful in this dangerous world.

I took a quick shower and wore some of the clothes that Apolline had picked up for me while shopping for harry and found that they made me look as if I was a model straight out of a fashion magazine.

After posing in front of the Wall mirror and narcissistically admiring myself to my satisfaction. I took the communication mirror out of my pocket and called Harry.

"Heya Harry," I cheerfully said when his face appeared, "How are you on this fine day?"

"Are you alone," He asked warily, his face half hidden and his eyes searching around me.

"Yes, Harry," I said while rolling my eyes, "Apolline is not with me. Now what do you want to see first, The Eiffel Tower, Musée du Louvre, or something else,"

I had left the hotel and was walking through the streets of France while the mirror was floating behind me in its expanded version. I had also applied a healthy dose of notice me not charm as well as a weak invisibility charm so that even if I come across some magical people like Apolline, they won't be able to see him.

"What are you talking about?" he asked while tilting his head.

"Of course. About our tour of France, what else. It's your summer vacation" I theatrically said while showing him the fancy buildings around me.

I toured the whole of France along with him and tried all kinds of dishes while sending him his portion through the vanishing box. The wide smile that was across Harry's face all that week, made me feel warm all over.

I don't know if it's because of the memories or not but over the past few months, I had already come to consider Harry as my ward and my responsibility. I had genuine love and care for him, and he was a very good kid which made it very easy for me to like him.


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