Ch-8 The Pact Part-1

It was the night of the full moon, so the usual dark forest had enough light that even a human could see the tropics in all its glory. All the small animals and critters had gone into hiding since the smell of a dangerous predator had started prevailing in these woods on the full moon.

The moonlight shimmering down on the lone island made it seem as if it was an ethereal land straight out of a fantasy. Half of the island was uninhabited and untouched by humans... well mostly untouched.

A gathering of the three most unusual and unlikely creatures could be seen on an open field of grass in the middle of the forest. One of them was a giant horse-like magical beast that had the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs, and tail of a horse. It was also the smallest of the group which was unusual for it.

The second creature somewhat resembled a wolf but its size was out of proportion, its limbs were unusually elongated which gave it immense speed and dexterity, along with a snout full of sharp teeth that made it a very dangerous existence.

The last, but the most dangerous of the group was a one-of-a-kind creature, seen for the first time in this world. It was the largest of the trio, dwarfing the werewolf when it was not standing. It had a fearsome set of long teeth, and its legs were thick enough for a human to have difficulty circling them with his hands.

Its mane was the darkest of black, sucking the light out of its surroundings and giving it a very sinister appearance, its fur was thick enough for most muggle weapons to just bounce off of it, while underneath the fur was an impressive set of muscles giving the creature immense strength.

All three of them were standing in a single line and seemed to be waiting for something, a cold breeze suddenly blew in the calm night bringing leaves along with it, and at some imaginary signal, all three of them suddenly started running simultaneously.

After a couple of giant strides, the hippogriff flapped his enormous wings and started gliding, trying to inch ahead of its competition.

But the werewolf was not one to give in easily and used its abnormally long limbs to take deeper lunges and keep up with the half-bird half-horse.

The last one of the gathering was the only one having an easy time, while its fellow creatures were exerting all their might and putting in every bit of effort, it seems to be effortlessly cruising along, it was actually lolling its tongue out, and having the time of his life.

Every time its enormous paws hit the ground it covered a large distance, and it seems to be holding back, but still running circles around the other two. They ran like that for quite a distance, the hippogriff, and wolf, fighting neck to neck trying to stay ahead.

Just before reaching the tree that was the finish line, the huge monster of a Grim suddenly started taking deeper strides and all the muscles across its body rippled as he sped up, leaving behind the bird and the wolf to eat its dust as he cleared the finish line first by a large margin.

The hippogriff screeched unhappily but took the defeat graciously while playfully snapping his beak at the oversized dog, but the werewolf on the other hand seem to be having a hard time accepting its loss it had always been the most dangerous one around, always the most powerful, the Apex Predator so facing defeat for the first time made its hackles rise and it started snarling and growling at the winner.

Sirius didn't even spare a glance at the unhappy creature, if it was before he had gotten his new form, and he was the relatively smaller grim then he would have to take the wolf seriously. But now, before his monstrous form, the werewolf almost looked like a puppy.

After seeing that it was being ignored, the werewolf's patience ran out and it immediately growled before taking a quick lunge with its jaws biting at the enormous hound from hell.

One second it was in the air looking forward to taking a bite out of his rival and showing him who was the alpha, and the next second an enormous force hit its head out of nowhere and the wolf was slammed into the ground.

The werewolf shook his head, a bit confused about what happened, it looked around for the cause for a while, but didn't think any further and tried once more, snarling and jumping at the Grim, But he was once again bitch slapped into the ground.

Sirius indulged the wolf for quite a while, just putting it down whenever the wolf got up, but after a few minutes, it started to get annoying. He slapped the wolf to the ground once again but followed after him this time.

He placed his enormous paws on the throat of the canine before he took a deep breath... GROWLED. The deep rumbling sound from deep inside his chest caused visible vibration in the air and it was so menacing that even the watching hippogriff was unsettled and bowed its head involuntarily.

While the wolf who was the focus of the snarl, was scared out of its wits for the first time in his life, his body shivering uncontrollably, and before long the resistance in its body gave in, as he submitted wholly to its new alpha, and he started whining instead of growling showing its allegiance.

Sirius slowly backed away and the menacing aura that had appeared around him was retracted back into its body, a minute later all three of them started playing again.


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