Ch-8 The Pact Part-2

About half an hour later while all there of them were roughhousing, Sirius suddenly felt as if his stomach had been emptied and he started feeling bone-deep exhaustion.

His eyes suddenly widened as he remembered that this form had a time limit. He immediately started running away toward the manor, but before he could go far away, the transformation started reverting back and he appeared on his knees in his human form, naked as the day he was born, breathing heavily.

He slowly turned around and found that the wolf was looking at him while tilting his head in confusion. But suddenly the wolf's snout twitched as it caught the scent of a human and all its reason went away, as snapped its teeth and his eyes started shining with malevolence.

"Hey, puppy!" Sirius said while slowly backing away from the snarling wolf, "You remember me right... who's a good puppy—" But the werewolf didn't even stop to entertain him and immediately jumped at the tasty-looking human.

Sirius immediately flicked his hand and the second the wand appeared in his hands, he blasted the incoming wolf away with a wave. Still, the wolf was barely fazed by the spell and came back stronger and faster, but fortunately, buckbeak intervened and came between them.

The two creatures went at each other for a while, the werewolf trying to get to the human, and the hippogriff clawing and pecking at it to stop it, while Sirius kept on sending the occasional spell to help his winged friend along. But before long the wolf got smarter and started dodging around buckbeak and going straight for the prize.

"Hey, what the hell's your problem, you shitty wolf," Sirius shouted while sending another blasting charm at his roommate, who came too close to comfort this time. He couldn't send anything more powerful or deadly, as he may just hurt his cook, and he didn't want it as it would mean he would have to go back to eating bland food.

"Watch it," Sirius exclaimed as the snarling wolf found an opening and took a huge bite of his friend's feathers, "Uhh... Come on I should be able to transform again, for a couple of minutes," Sirius closed his eyes and tried one more time, but his muscles barely started lengthening when they snapped back into place.

He cursed at his failure and brainstormed for another solution before an idea came to him, and he immediately tried it. He closed his eyes once again, but this time instead of trying to become the huge one, he imagined his normal grim form, and this time the transformation took place smoothly.

'Huh... I can still access the previous form. That is good to know... Now, come here you bad puppy,' He thought before going to help his feathery friend control his furry one.

The absence of human scent seemed to have calmed the werewolf somewhat, so he was very easy to handle. And the wolf still recognized Sirius's animal scent as the Alpha even in this smaller form so he had become quite docile in the end and the night passed peacefully after that.


The Next Morning, Sirius was sitting at the dining table writing something on parchment, listening to Remus who was drinking hot chocolate while sitting on an armchair inside a warm blanket. He still looked a bit pale but a lot better than before the night of the moon.

"...I had heard from some of my werewolf contacts that when they joined a pack, the nights before and after the full moon became a lot easier for them, but I didn't think it would be this different," Remus brightly said, "I don't even feel the usual weakness and aches... Whatever you did Sirius I can't thank you enough,"

"What are you talking about, I just played with your wolf a little," Sirius waved away his gratitude while thinking that thank god Remus didn't remember everything from last night, because if he knew how many times he bitchslapped him, Sirius didn't think he would be thanking him, this much.

"The wolf has become almost docile, it's... as if he's found a new home," Remus said with a small smile while looking into his cup, before shaking his head and asking, "And who are you writing to. I thought, Harry had already gone to the Weaselys,"

"Yes, he went there last week, to attend the world cup," Sirius said while sealing the letter, "I am writing this one to Dumbledore, inviting him. It's time we had a proper chat... "

Sirius had been working on his Occlumency every day since he got here and was finally confident enough to confront the Headmaster again, and get some answers.


Harry's POV

"...And he is supposed to be the youngest seeker in the world. They say that he is still in School just like us. Imagine being a star quidditch player while still at Hogwarts," Ron wistfully said and Hermione rolled her eyes at Ginny who smirked back.

They were sitting inside Ron's room, it was the topmost room of the Burrow. It had a slanted ceiling and was decorated with Chudley Cannon posters all around them, distracting its occupants when the players zoomed on the posters. The owl Sirius had bought for Ron was sitting on the window sill, curiously looking at the occupants.

Harry was supposed to be bought by Mr. Weasley next Sunday the night before the game, but he didn't feel like waiting at the Dursleys anymore than he had to. So after asking for permission from Sirius, he gotten had on the Knight's Bus and arrived at the burrow a week early. The Weasley's while surprised were very welcoming.

They just had a huge dinner just an hour earlier with the complete Weasley family, along with Harry and Hermione. Mrs. Weasley had sent them to sleep after they had eaten, but the four of them had gathered here to talk instead.

"When did you get new glasses, Harry," Ginny asked from beside Ron, opposite where he and Hermione were sitting on, the bed he had occupied while at the Weasleys, "They look really cool,"

"Uh, my last glasses got a bit crooked and they were not the right prescription...," Harry said while Hermione looked admiringly at his red-framed specs, "So Si...Um... Remus got me some new ones," Harry exchanged glances with his two friends, they had understood who he had almost mentioned.

"Hmm... Is that so," Ginny said while looking at all three of them suspiciously before glaring, "I know the three of you are hiding something from me but..." she suddenly smirked, "I am willing to overlook it if you show me your abs one more time, Harry,"

"Alright, that's it. Get Out of here," Ron said getting up from his bed and pushing Ginny out of his room.

"Hey, what's the big deal," Ginny whined while dodging her brother, "Harry doesn't mind, does he?"

"Do you want me to call mom up here and tell her what her baby girl is asking?" Ron threatened which seemed to finally work on her.

"You are such a tattle tale, Ron!" Ginny shot at him and stuck her tongue out at him before leaving the room.

"Do you need a separate invitation," Ron sternly said while turning to Hermione.

"W-What Why am I being kicked out too?" Hermione asked completely bewildered.

"Don't think I didn't see your eyes lighting up at Ginny's suggestion,"

"Wha... I would never—" Hermione spluttered while both, Harry and she turned completely red, "You Know What! GO TO HELL! RON!" She shouted over her embarrassment while leaving the room in a huff, and slamming the door behind her.

"Seriously, these girls," Ron sighed in exasperation while shaking his head.


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