Ch-8 The Pact Part-3

They didn't talk for a while and just made their bed, before Mrs. Weasley came up the stairs shouting for them to switch off the lights, and go to sleep. They slept on their respective beds, and the room was silent for a while except for the occasional sound the Owl made.

"Hey Ron," Harry whispered sticking his face out of his blanket, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah Mate, sure," Ron said while turning toward him.

"Which girl do you think is the prettiest? And who do you like the most in our batch?" Harry asked, thankful that the darkness hid his face. He was embarrassed but still asked him remembering the advice Sirius had given him.

"Oh... If we are talking about the prettiest then... I would have to go with Daphne Greengrass, you know "The Ice Queen", But alas... she is from Slytherin," Ron said while shaking his head in sadness, "But the one I like the most would have to be... Lavender Brown, Because of the—" He gestured lewdly with his chest.

"Alright! Alright! I get it," Harry said when Ron didn't stop with his antics.

"Anyway, who do you like the most?" Ron shot back.

"Promise me, you won't laugh," Harry asked apprehensively.

"I won't,"

"I kind of like...Umm... Hermione," Harry said while looking at the ceiling, it had taken all of Harry's courage to admit that.

"Huh..." Ron replied, his eyes a bit wide, "I would have never guessed that in a million years. Hermione... huh... I guess she is really pretty... and the puberty has been kind on her this summer if you know what I mean,"

"Shut up, Ron," Harry hissed while throwing a pillow at him.

"Hey, Calm down! Blimey, mate! You're acting like she's already your girlfriend or something," Ron said while dodging, "Don't get your knickers in a twist, I am just talking here,"

They calmed down and fell back on their beds, and after a while, Ron said in a wondering tone, "I think you should totally ask her out,"

"You think so," Harry said unsurely.

"Of course," Ron said confidently, "You have a very good chance at succeeding here... not like me," he ended self-deprecatingly.

"Hey, how about we make a pact," Harry excitedly said while sitting up.

"What do you mean,"

"You help me with Hermione, and I will try to get you together with Lavender,"

"You sure,"

"Absolutely," Harry said while advancing his hand

"Alright then, It's your funeral," Ron said while clapping Harry's hand, "You would have to work a lot harder than me. I mean you're a quidditch star—My work's practically done,"

"About that," Harry said, "Why don't you try for Gryffindor's quidditch team? Oliver left last year so the keeper's position is open this year,"

"I don't know," Ron said unsurely but considering it, "I don't even have a broom,"

"You can take the school's broom," Harry urged, "And I could even train you. Besides, it would really help your chances with Lavender,"

"Alright then, the second we reach Hogwarts, you're training me," Ron said enthusiastically.

"You got it, mate,"

Both of them slept with satisfied grins on their faces that night, anticipating their fourth year with eagerness.


The next day shined bright and early in the morning, Mrs. Weasley was making breakfast while Hermione was sitting at the dining table and reading a book.

"Hey Ron, Do you know where Harry is?" Hermione asked when she saw Ron coming down the stairs, "I haven't seen him all morning,"

"I don't know about that," Ron said while looking outside the window and after getting some kind of signal only he knew, he turned toward Hermione, "But hey... Hermione can you come with me for a second,"

"Where," Hermione asked while tilting her head.

"Just come with me," Ron said while taking her hand and leading her out of the burrow.

They walked out of the fence surrounding Ron's home before approaching the forest behind Burrow. Ron led her into the trees while distracting Hermione by asking her about the summer homework, which seemed to work.

"...And of course, the potion homework was very easy if you know the book to reference—" Hermione stopped mid-sentence when she saw that they had walked quite far and were surrounded by trees, "Where are we going, Ron?"

"Just around here," Ron said while looking into the trees before abruptly turning around, and saying very loudly "Oh I think I forgot the thing. Wait here Hermione... while I get the thing," Ron finished and immediately ran back the way they had come.

"What thing—Ron where are you going RON!RON!" Hermione shouted after the retreating back of her friend but he didn't stop, "I swear if this is his idea of a prank, I am going to kill him..." She started to mumble to herself but fortunately, she wasn't left alone for long.

"Hey Hermione," She suddenly turned around and found her other best friend coming out of the trees slowly.

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked a bit surprised and continuing before he could say anything, "And where did Ron go?"

"You know, the thing is I wanted to tell you... I mean ask you something," Harry nervously said while pushing his glasses.

"What is it Harry," Hermione asked approaching him, now concerned, "Is it your scar? Is it hurting again,"

"NO! Nothing like that..." Harry said while looking everywhere but her, "Um... Will you, I mean.. Ugh..," Harry took a deep breath, "Alright here goes nothing,"

And started speaking all at once before he lost his courage, "Hermione you are my best friend, The person who's always been there for me, no matter the danger or obstacle I faced. I could always rely on you to have my back,

"And for a while, I thought of you as a sister because that's what I thought I felt for you, but someone recently told me that what I was feeling for you was definitely not familial love. So what I want to say is," Harry once again took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, "You are one of the most beautiful person I know, You are smart witty, and funny...and...and... WILLYOUGOOUTWITHME,"

"Huh, What," Hermione replied with wide eyes, speechless for once in her life.

"Will you go out with me?" Harry repeated in low voice, looking down, away from her eyes, his courage had left him.

As the seconds passed, and he didn't get a reply, he started to feel mortified. Time passed agonizingly slowly, he felt as if decades had passed while he was standing there, wishing that the ground would swallow him up.

He had started to entertain the thought that she had run away, and was already regretting everything, but thankfully before his thoughts could spiral anymore he heard footsteps and saw his best friend's shoes come to a stop before him

"Harry," Hermione said, her voice filled with emotion, and he slowly looked up, "Yes, Yes of course I would go out with you," she said with a wet smile.

His face lit up with the brightest smile, and Hermione immediately jumped at him, giving him the tightest hug of his life.

He hugged her back while thinking that Ron was definitely right about puberty being kind to her. But unfortunately, before he could appreciate the curves Hermione had gotten over the summer, they were surrounded by hollering and celebratory whistles.

Coming out of the wood where they had been hidden for who knows how long, were the twins and Ron. He immediately separated from Hermione, and he was sure that his face was as red as his new girlfriend's seemed to be.

"Look like I win, George," Fred grinned while showing his twin his palm.

"Looks like you do, My dear Fred," George replied while placing a galleon on the outstretched hand.

"I was sure that you would pluck up the courage, and ask her out before the Fourth year," Fred explained while pocketing his winning.

"And I had bet that you wouldn't be able to before your OWl's," George said while shaking his head in mock sadness, "Looks like I underestimated your Gryffindor courage, Harry,"

"Congratulation you two, I am happy for you," Ron said with a genuine smile while patting Harry on his shoulder, before saying with a grimace, "Just make sure you don't snog her in front of me and we would be golden,"

"RON!" Hermione flushed while hitting Ron on his shoulder.

"Ouch... Hey Harry, Control your woman already," Ron said before he looked at Hermione's face and immediately started running away.

"Come back here, RONALD WEASLEY," Hermione shouted before taking off after him.

Fred and George looked at each other and shivered theatrically, before turning toward him and saying simultaneously, "We wish you the Best of Luck, Harry. You are going to need it,"


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