Ch 24 The Domain Part 1

"It's right here, Professor," Harry said gesturing with his hands and leading the Headmaster down the Seventh-floor corridor. They came to a halt in front of the unassuming blank wall, positioned opposite the vibrant tapestry of Dancing Trolls. and Harry turned to the professor, "This is it,"

"Marvellous..." Dumbledore murmured peering over his half-moon glasses at it as if he could see more than just the blank stretch of the wall.

"Eh... Sure," Harry said unsurely. He wasn't sure if the old man was being sarcastic or if he could genuinely see the magic of Room of Requirement through the Wall but considering the Headmaster's accomplishment, he wouldn't be surprised if he could.

Dumbledore continued in a fascinated tone, "I think I've stumbled upon this place once before as a bathroom, but... I never looked at it properly..." After a brief pause, Dumbledore shook his head, refocusing his attention on Harry, "I apologize for getting lost in my thoughts, Harry... As you were," he said, motioning for Harry to continue.

Nodding, Harry drew a deep breath and tightly shut his eyes. He began pacing back and forth while thinking with all his might about the room he desired,

"I need a place to train in magic," "I need a place to train in magic," "I need a place to train in magic,"

When he opened his eyes after the third turn, he saw the wall unravel itself into an elaborate and intricate door. Harry pushed the door open and went inside after a quick look at Dumbledore who followed after him, still carrying that fascinated look on his face.

The room of requirement had turned itself into a large mostly empty room, a place that was ideal for experimenting with any kind of spell. There were a few dummies placed at the end and there was a small bookshelf placed just beside the door. The most eye-catching thing was the huge runic circle in the middle that Harry knew from his previous visits was a duelling ring that could absorb any kind of magic.

"And you mentioned that Sirius told you about it," Dumbledore inquired, after looking around the place for a while.

"Yes," Harry confirmed, a small smile on his face, "He told me about it during the summer and I've used it frequently since the start of the term with Ron and Hermione, to train for the tournament. He also told me that my father and found this place in their final year and that they were the only ones who knew about it,"

Sirius also confessed that James forbid him from telling anyone else about this place as he wanted to hoard it for some "extra-curricular" activities with Lily, his new girlfriend. And Harry would never admit that out loud ever, even at the threat of death. Besides, he was reasonably certain Sirius had been teasing him.

"You have become quite close to Sirius, haven't you," Dumbledore remarked, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes," Harry said while rubbing his head with a smile, "I know that I didn't spend that long with him but... it feels as if I've known him my whole life and he is the closest I've come to having a parent so..." Harry's voice trailed off as he shrugged shyly. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Anyway, I am worried about him. He hasn't contacted me since he went on this trip..."

"Did he you tell anything about where he was going or what he was doing..." Dumbledore inquired, his expression thoughtful.

"Ah! Yes, he mentioned some kind of trip. Umm... I think his exact words were, 'Don't worry, pup. I am going camping with a cute chick, and you what happens when a boy and a girl go camping...' So I think he'll be alright,"

Dumbledore pondered for a moment, contemplating whether to divulge the nature and reasons behind the trip. Ultimately, he decided that the present moment was not the opportune time. Harry's mind had yet to be adequately shielded to learn about the Horcruxes, and he was certain Sirius would prefer to share the information himself.

The phrase "Old habits die hard" inexplicably flitted through his mind but Dumbledore dismissed it effortlessly, as he always did. Taking his place at one end of the duelling ring, the Headmaster gestured for Harry to stand opposite him, "Let's proceed, shall we?"

"I know you said that you would train me Professor but wouldn't that be somewhat against the rules of the Tournament," Harry inquired, coming to stand opposite Dumbledore as if he was about to duel with him which was both exciting and nerve-wracking.

"Who said anything about the tournament, Harry," Dumbledore said, wearing an innocent expression, "This is merely an additional lesson, a Headmaster imparting wisdom to one of his favoured, not-so-bright students, to help him catch up," He ended that with a quick wink.

Harry nodded with a grin and Dumbledore continued after adopting his teacher's face, "Before we commence, allow me to provide a brief theoretical lesson. Historically, the International Confederation of Wizards, known as the ICW, classifies Magicals they encounter into five broad threat levels based on their magical education and proficiency with a wand"

Though taken aback by the sudden History lesson, Harry found the subject intriguing enough to follow along, "The first level comprises Novices—most adult wizards and witches fall into this category. These individuals have graduated from institutions like Hogwarts with average grades," Dumbledore explained.

"These are generally individuals who hold regular day jobs and rarely employ offensive magic. And because they don't regularly practise the spells they learned during school, they become rusty. The only spells they are able to cast reliably are the ones they use in their everyday life such as Apparition, Cleaning Charms, and Household Charms. Ministry employees, housewives, and shopkeepers are examples of those at this level."

Dumbledore paused, allowing Harry to absorb the information, before continuing, "The Magicals in the next category are known as the Skilled or Adept. These wizards possess a deeper understanding of their spells and diligently hone their skills to maintain their proficiency."

"Most individuals in this category are those whose professions require regular use of offensive and defensive magic. Aurors working for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, mercenaries, and, of course, your average Death Eaters or Dark Wizards would fall into this category."

"Really... So most of the Death Eaters are only considered as level Two threats by the ICW," Harry asked surprised. He had assumed that Death Eaters, the formidable and malevolent wizards who terrorized Wizarding Britain during the war, would be classified as more formidable adversaries.

"As I mentioned, most Death Eaters, not all of them. Voldemort kept a select few of his more talented followers close to him, in his so-called Inner Circle and they belonged to the next category," Dumbledore clarified.

"Wizards of the third level are known as Elite Magicals. Unlike the Skilled category, these wizards not only possess unwavering diligence they are also gifted with above-average magical reserves. They are usually individuals who achieved multiple 'Outstanding' marks in their final NEWTs and boast an extensive repertoire of reliably castable spells."

"These individuals are welcomed wherever they go, often working as Hit Wizards, Curse Breakers, and participating in various duelling tournaments, where they frequently rank among the top five contenders."

"Are you with me so far, Harry," Dumbledore asked and after Harry nodded he continued, "Now with the Fourth level, we start getting to the very pinnacle of the wizarding world. The Magicals of this level are very aptly named Masters, for these sorcerers are not only gifted with exceptional magical ability they are also masters of their own field. They have mastered their field to the point where there are hardly any spells of their chosen path they cannot perform,"

"Whether that be Transfiguration, like Professor McGonagall, Charms, like Professor Flitwick, or even the Dark Arts, like the infamous Death Eater Bellatrix—" Dumbledore stopped mid-sentence and suddenly said with a tilted head, "In fact, if I recall correctly then your own Father and Mother were considered masters in Transfiguration and Charm respectively. And for them to achieve that at their age was a very remarkable feat, you should be proud, Harry,"

"I am proud of them," Harry nodded firmly, having always known that his parents possessed exceptional skills, thanks to the accounts of Professor McGonagall, Sirius, and Remus. However, now he grasped the full extent of their talents.

"Let us proceed then," Dumbledore broke Harry out of his musings and resumed speaking when he saw Harry paying attention, "The fifth and final category is both the rarest and highest classification within the ICW, known as Supreme Sorcerers. The number of living wizards in this category today can be counted on one hand. I believe you can surmise the identities of two of them,"

"Yes," Harry nodded. There were two wizards who were known around the world as the greatest Sorcerers of this century: One revered and the other feared.