
It was the month of October and the most awaiting festival Diwali was coming near. We have a Diwali party in our house every year. We were having our Sunday brunch. "So, when are we going shopping?" asked mum. "Let's go today. We won't get time later." said Dad. Someone rang the doorbell. I went to open the door. "Oh my God!" I hugged him. "I missed you so much!" he said happily. "I missed you too" he hugged me tight.

"Oh my God! Aryan!? What a pleasant surprise." said mum happily and hugged him. "Hey mum" he said. "How was your flight?" My dad asked while hugging him. "Great" he said. "Hold on, you knew he was coming?" I asked dad. "Yes, he told me yesterday evening." he said. "Diwali just got better." My mum said happily. He quickly went to his room, changed his clothes and joined us for brunch. "So, who all are coming for the party?" asked Aryan. "We have invited our office Colleagues" said Dad. "I'll invite my friends over too. What about the fantastic five?" Aryan asked me. "I'll tell them tomorrow. I'm sure they would come." I said.

After brunch Aryan was in his room unpacking his bags. I went inside."So how's New York?" I asked him. "Great" he said smilingly. "What's up with you?" He asked. "Everything good" I said. "Any girlfriend?" I asked jokingly. "I'll have a girlfriend and you wouldn't know? I'm not that secretive. I'm clearly very much single." he said smilingly. "Get ready quickly kids. We are going shopping." mum said from downstairs.

We quickly got ready and went to the mall. We bought new clothes and all the required stuffs for the party. We also ordered sweets from the sweet shop. We had a great time. After shopping we went to a restaurant for dinner. "It's already 10." mum said while looking at her watch. "It's fine. As if we go shopping everyday." My dad said and Aryan and I laughed. Next day at school I invited my friends for Diwali. "You all have to come." I said. "Of course!" Mathilde, Olivia and Cami said together. "We wait for it every year too." said Charlie excitedly. "My brother Aryan is home for a week. He surprised us yesterday. We all gonna have a blast." Everyone got excited for the party. Cami blushed.