When are you taking him back?

Rain kept on stealing glances at Lyre, who was busily admiring the food the mother prepared.

"What's wrong with you, Rain?" Jewel frowned at him. "And you, Clar. Why are you glaring at him?"


The two of them said at the same time, earning a raised brow from the family.

Lyre was the only one who didn't react to the question.

He wasn't listening to them since his entire attention was on the strange food in front of him.

Moreover, with Rain next to him, the merman wants nothing else, but to burrow himself into the chair he was sitting on.

"What's wrong with you two?" The mother joined her hands, in question.

"Nothing." They said simultaneously, earning them yet another raised brow from the family.

"Well, if you said so, then....." the mother pointed at the food in front of them. "You need to get eating!"


Rain was the first to leave. He was still feeling as guilty as hell and doesn't know how to approach Lyre.

He felt like he committed a crime by confessing and kissing him at the same time.

"I will escort you back to your room!" Clar took Lyre's hand in hers.

"Thank you for the meal," Lyre said to the mother, expertly repeating the words he heard from the others.

"You are welcome, my dear." The mother sniffed as she watched him leave with Clar. "Who would have thought the shy boy we brought back with us will one day feel at home?"

"When are you taking him back?" Jewel arched a brow at the mother.

"Taking him back? You've got to be kidding me. There is no way I can take him back, at least not without Clar killing us first."

"I think he was destined to stay with us. Who knows, he might have fallen from the sky!" The father added.

"That's extra, dad," Jewel rolled her eyes at the father.

"What can I say? I just happened to have a wild imagination."

"Then, keep it to yourself." Jewel rose from her chair and started packing the plates. "Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, and never wanted you to take him back. I'm just asking, for Clar's sake."

"As if we don't know."


"Do you want me to tuck you in?" Clar smiled at Lyre.

"No, Rain does that."

Lyre answered, without knowing what he said.

"What? Rain does that?" Clar's eyes were so wide, they looked conical.

"He pours water into the little stream and brings out my clothes," Lyre said with childlike innocence.

"Little stream?" Clar blinked. "Are you calling the bath a little stream? That makes me wonder who among us is the kid."

Lyre didn't understand what she said, but he nodded.


The door to his room got opened, and Rain walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Clar stood up from the bed.

Right then, she looked like a mother lioness guarding her pup against danger.

"I came to run his bath, and get him ready for bed." Rain walked towards Lyre's bathroom, like a robot which was being operated by someone.

Lyre watched him as he walked. And despite the strange way he was walking, Lyre couldn't help but admire the handsome boy.

And right then, he also felt the unfamiliar tightening of his lower body.

"What's it? Are you okay?" Clar turned Lyre's face, so he was looking at her.

She didn't understand what was going on, but one thing she was sure of is this, she needed to protect her brother from Rain.

It was as if she were in a competition she knew absolutely nothing about.

Rain got everything ready for Lyre.

"Wear this, it seems the temperature will drop tonight." Rain dropped the heavy pyjamas he got for Lyre, on the bed. "Good night, I'm leaving."

"Good night!" Clar replied before Lyre could say a word.

Rain sighed before he walked out of the room.

This wasn't what he planned when he entered the room.

He thought Lyre would be alone, so he can ask for forgiveness.

However, with Clar in the room. There was no possible way he can do that.

Lyre sighed as he watched the door close behind Rain.

He doesn't know what he wanted, but he undeniably doesn't want Rain to leave.

"It's time for you to have a bath, brother." Clar smiled at him, "I would have loved to wait for you to do that, but I will give you some privacy.

Mother said it's not good to be in the room when someone is bathing." She pecked him on the cheeks, "good night. I will see you in the morning!" She ran out of the room, almost running into Rain, who was still standing by Lyre's door.


She placed a palm on her head, pretending as if she bumped into him when she didn't.

"Are you hurt?" Rain sounded alarmed.

"Why won't I be?" She pursed her lips. "What are you doing out here? I thought you were long gone?"

"You..... I…."

"Go to sleep, Lyre is having a bath. I don't want you to disturb him." Clar folded her arms, with her back to Lyre's door.


"It's late. Don't you think it's time to sleep?" Clar arched a brow at him. "Go to sleep, my brother needs to rest."

"I didn't—"

Clar smiled, "go to sleep, brother."

"And what of you? Isn't it too late for you to be awake by this time?" Rain frowned at her.

"No, it's not. I'm guarding my brother's door. And I will only leave when he's asleep."

"I will tell mom," Rain threatened.

"Go ahead and do that. I will only tell her that I'm guarding my brother's door. She will understand." Clar placed both hands on her waist.

"Good night." Rain reluctantly went back to his room, vowing to teach that little diva a lesson she will never forget in her entire life.

Clar smirked as she watched him leave. She felt victorious at that moment. At least, she's ahead in the competitions.