Let's go swimming

"What's wrong, Rain? Why do you look like something a dog coughed out?" Clar teased.

"Mind your damn business!" Rain snarled at her.

"Now, now, boy. Mind your damn words." Their father cautioned him, "she's your youngest sister. You need to mind the way to speak to her."

"Tell her to mind the way she speaks to me," Rain countered.

"Oh my," Jewel mock gasped. "Don't tell me you have a little problem with your darling?" She placed her hand on her chest with a mock expression on her face.

"And you, too, mind your damned business!" Rain entered the car, and banged the door shut behind him.

"What's gotten into him? He's acting as if he has a stick up his arse," their father chuckled.

"He definitely has a stick up his arse," Jewel pursed her lips.

"Where is brother Lyre? Why isn't he out yet?" Clar frowned.

"Your mother's car isn't here. I think she took your brother home," their father explained.