Subtly Erotic

"Wha— What!" Lyre stuttered. He furiously blinked.

"You look uncomfortable, Lyre. I can help you solve your problem." Rain gestured towards his hard-on once more, "you don't have to worry. I will be the one doing all the work while you sit and watch."

"What problem?" This time, Lyre asked once more, not only because of his embarrassment.

The merman was confused about what Rain meant by his problem.

He didn't understand what problem he might have that required Rain's help.

All he felt was an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, and nothing more.

"That." Rain boldly touched Lyre's hard-on.

The merman flinched.

His eyes got bigger than ever, and it seemed like they were about to leave his body.

"What are you doing?" He took a step back from Rain.

His eyes went straight to the door that was blocked by Rain's larger frame.

"I'm not doing anything. I just want to help you since I was the one who put them there," Rain shrugged.