Was what we did, wrong?

Lyre gasped.

Before Rain could reply, he was already down from the bed. As fast as he could, he wore his boxers and trousers.

"Mom, everything is okay! I'm just helping Lyre with something!" Rain answered with a smug expression on his face as he watched Lyre.

"Is he alright? Lyre, are you alright?" The mother asked, concerned.

"Yes!" Lyre shouted, a bit louder than his normal replies.

"Are you boys good?" She asked once more, doubting their words because of how forced and loud Lyre sounded.

"Yes, we are good," Rain frowned at the door. "Isn't it time for you to sleep? Go ahead and sleep. Stop disturbing."

"Oh," the mother smiled. "Don't stay up late, boys!"

"No, we won't!" Rain answered.

"Good night, sweetie. Should Rain bully you, you have to tell me so."

"I'm your son more than he is," Rain murmured under his breath. "I feel like you hate me."

"I heard you, Rain!" Chuckling, their mother walked towards the parlour, to continue her movie night with her husband.