Confront him

Lyre gulped.

The creature in Rain's room looked so much like Rain but without the black and white wings.

"Rain?" Lyre cautiously walked towards him.

His mind told him to step back, but the merman was too stubborn to do so.

He wanted to—


Rain tried to warn him to step back, but his other self wasn't about to let him do that.

"Rain?" Lyre walked close to the being.

His hands were shaking, but he didn't mind.

Rain's nose twitched.

Lyre's scent permeated into his nose, making it difficult for Rain to think of anything else but having his way with the Merman who looked more tempting in the dull light of his room.

"Rain, I—"

A yelp escaped from Lyre's mouth when Rain picked him up with his big hands, and dumped him on the bed.

Rain's body wasn't entirely changed, but his mind was being overshadowed by his other being's senses.


Lyre's heart was beating fast.

He looked scared at the mad expression on Rain's face.