I'm a monster


Lyre started to say, but the stern expression on Jewel's face, shut him up.

"Go on, Lyre. He won't bite," she grinned.

Lyre took a deep, steady breath before he knocked on the door.

Jewel smirked.

Her plans were working, her ship is on the wharf.

It only needs a little push to sail.

"Go away, Jewel. I'm not in the mood to entertain you," Rain growled.

Lyre turned to look at Jewel, who nodded back at him with her thumbs up. "Go on," she mouthed.

Lyre took a deep, steady breath before he opened the door.

"I told you I don't want—"

Rain froze when he saw who it was that entered his room.

"Lyre?" He sat up on the bed, and blinked, to make certain it was Lyre in front of him and not a product of his broken imagination.

"Rain," Lyre took a step into Rain's room, and gently closed the door behind him.

He had a nervous smile as he slowly walked towards Rain. "I apologize for coming in without your permission, Rain. I only want to speak with you."