I was adopted

"But I would rather not show you my real self," Rain turned his face to the side, so he will avoid Lyre's intense gaze on him.

"Don't you like me?" Lyre slowly asked.

He was also curious to know Rain's answer to that.

"Of course, I do. Why will you doubt that?" Rain turned to face Lyre. "I know I've been acting distant with you for weeks now, Lyre. But you have to know it wasn't intentional.

The closer we got to each other, the more attached my other self felt until it was too difficult to control his urge to take you right there."

//I even hurt you!//

Rain wanted to say, but couldn't bring himself to say those words.

He doesn't want Lyre to think of him as the monster he always imagined himself to be.

"What does that mean?" Lyre furrowed his brows. "What do you mean by taking—"

"Don't bother your pretty head about this, Lyre.

It's not necessary."