You reek of him

"Who would have thought we will find you here, Lyre," the eldest brother smirked, looking so damned pleased with himself.

Lyre's four brothers materialized around Lyre, keeping him Captive.

"Get away from him!" Rain instantly rose from the rock he was sitting on.

This time, his change didn't take time. It came instantly, troubling the waters a bit.


Lyre cried out, attempting to go to him.

"Tsk. Seems you've got for yourself a man," his second-eldest brother tightly locked his hand on Lyre's jaw. "We will have much to take care of when we take you home."

"Stop, you are hurting me!" Lyre cried out in pain.

"Let him go!" Rain screamed.

The reason he didn't approach them was his fear of what they might do to his Lyre.

"And what if we don't, beast? What are you going to do?" The eldest prince taunted.

"I will kill you!" Rain vowed.

He took to the air, making sure to get a good angle before he threw balls of water at the eldest prince.