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A shark plunged his teeth into Rain's wings and bit so hard, black blood gushed out.

"Rain!" Lyre howled.

The waters shook as Lyre's anger increased. His tails turned deep blue and the pearls shone.

"Lyre?" Veryn raced back to where Lyre was, while Rain tried to fight the creatures as much as he could, still in the air.

His wounded wings were bent to the side, making it impossible for him to keep on staying suspended.

"Lyre, what's wrong?" Veryn asked, alarmed by the change in Lyre.

This was the first time he has seen Lyre in this form.

"Lyre?" He broke the walls around Lyre, to get to him.

Lyre clenched his hands and hit his palms on the water, he twirled a bit before he fell on the water, spent.

"Lyre!" Veryn and Rain shouted.

However, Veryn was the first who reached him.

Rain was blocked by the sea creatures who were desperate to have a bite of his skin.

"Lyre," Veryn caught Lyre's lifeless body.