
A knock on the door woke Rain up. Lyre was soundly sleeping next to him, unaffected by the knock.

"Who's there?" Rain asked in a gentle tone, afraid to wake Lyre up.

"It's time for school, you lazy kids! Wake up!" His mother loudly knocked on the door.

"I've heard, mother. You don't have to shout," Rain gently touched Lyre's hair. "We will be down in a few."

"What of Lyre? Isn't he there with you?" The mother asked, a bit nosy that morning.

"He is. I will wake him up, myself."

"Why? Wake him now," his mother shouted.

"Shh," Rain slowly rose from the bed and quickly got dressed before he strode to the door. He opened it before his mother could think of knocking loudly on the door, once more.

"Why is he still sleeping?" His mother tried to look into the room, but Rain blocked her view of him.

"He had a pretty rough night, mother. I will let him sleep a bit before I wake him up."