
"Mother said—"

"Please spare me, Lyre." Rain groaned. "All morning, you have been speaking about mother. Please, my ears are bleeding."

"But I didn't do anything wrong." Lyre pouted like a kid. "I'm just telling you what mother said." He sounded wronged.

"Can you see I'm tired of hearing you speak of her?" Rain groaned.

"Speak of mother? I thought you love her?"

"I do, but I'm tired of hearing you speak of her. Let's go for lunch."

"Okay." Lyre packed his books in their backpack. "Are you taking this to our locker?"

"No. Keep it here. I will return for it after lunch."

"What if someone takes it?"

"Who will?" Rain took the bag from Lyre, and dropped it on the chair he stood up from. "Let's go. You don't want to be late." He took Lyre's hand in his and tugged him towards the door.


Chels waved at Rain from the door.

Today, he had his hair tied into two Short ponytails.