Chels hates me

His actions startled Lyre and Chels.

"Rain!" Lyre frowned.

"You are mine, Lyre." Rain leaned closer to him. "You shouldn't speak to other boys like that. I'm—"

"But he was telling me something!" Lyre shouted, feeling wronged.

"Don't speak to them. It makes me jealous!"

The entire cafeteria quieted. All eyes were on Rain's table, each eager to know what was happening there.

"Jealous? Why will you be jealous?" Lyre innocently asked.

"You are mine, Lyre. Always know that." Rain said before he possessively kissed Lyre, right in the cafeteria.

The shocked gasps of the students around didn't faze Rain.

The lovers were lost in their embrace, without a care about the world around them.

"You are mine, Lyre." Rain placed his forehead on Lyre's. "Don't speak to other boys."

"I won't." A dazed Lyre nodded.

Chels rose from his chair, and angrily matched out of the cafeteria. His food lay on the table, discarded by the owner.