Shh, you will alert the family

"How so?" Their father sniffed the air.

Lyre sat still on the chair, while Rain pressed Lyre's thighs, still not satisfied with the punishment he gave the merman.

"I don't know, but I think it does." Their mother rose from the chair and started packing the plates.

"Leave them, Lyre, and I will do the washing." Rain stopped her, with a goofy smile on his face.

"Lyre sure changed you, and I loved that."

Everyone dropped the spoon on the table and left.

"Do you want me to help you, brother?" Clar grinned.

"It's okay." Lyre swallowed.

His voice sounded a bit deeper than normal.

"Are you okay, Lyre?" Their mother asked.


"He's good. Just go ahead, mother. I will take care of my boyfriend." Rain grinned.

"Boyfriend, my foot." Jewel left the dining, with their father close on her heels.

Clar and their mother were the last to leave the dining room.

"I hate you." Lyre narrowed his eyes at Rain.