Lyre bit his lower lip.

His eyes were dilated, and his breathing was a bit ragged.

His blue eyes shone, and his body seemed to take the same shine with his eyes.

Rain watched him.

All the time, Lyre always manage to take the breath off him.

"I love seeing you flushed, and in my mercy." Rain leaned close. "It makes me want to do unimaginable dirty things to you, Lyre. I want you below me, squirming as I pleasure you."

He nibbled on Lyre's neck and allowed his teeth to scrape on the mark he gave to Lyre.


Lyre arched his back. He wriggled his butt a bit, causing his shaft to press deeper into the hollow of Rain's palm.

"Relax." Rain murmured.

He gently pressed on Lyre's shaft, prompting Lyre to moan.

Lyre had to bite his lower lips to prevent a scream from escaping his mouth.

He curled his toes and stretched his back. Pleasure racked through his body, threatening to consume him whole.