Rain leaned to kiss Lyre.

His mouth tasted different to Lyre, but he didn't push him off.

Rain's lips lingered on his, tongue rubbing gently over the bottom lip, probing ever so softly.

Lyre squirmed under him.

Not surprisingly, he found himself becoming hard.

His shaft rose the more Lyre's clothed shaft rubbed on him.

Lyre broke off from the kiss and gazed at Lyre with half-lidded eyes.

"You are beautiful, Lyre." He gently caressed Lyre's face.

Rain pulled Lyre closer and kissed him deeper than ever.

His hands brushed Lyre's face, shoulder, and arms.

Feeling, caressing. Never too much, never firm, never presume.

They parted, and Rain slowly unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt.

Lyre's breath hitched in his throat. He watched Rain, eager to see his delicious muscles.

Rain removed his shirt, and sat down on the bed.

He pulled Lyre down next to him.

They kissed more with their limbs brushing against each other. Legs stroking legs, bellies rubbing close.