Not until you forgive me

"You will?" Rain frowned.

"Yes, I will. I'm not heartless, Rain. They might have made my life a living hell when I lived with them, but that doesn't mean that I will abandon them when they need me."

"That's you." Rain shrugged. "I'm not going back. If they need my help, they can time-travel back to when I was a toddler. Only then will I help them."


A knock on the door startled him.


"Tell mother we will be down in a few." Rain snapped before Clar could say a word.

"What's even wrong with you? We can hear your voice from downstairs!" Clar folded her arms.

"Go down now!" Rain's voice echoed in the entire room.


"Don't be harsh on her."

"Why? What are you going to do if I snap at her? It's my damn decision!" Rain growled at Lyre.

Lyre glared at Rain for the first time since they met. "I can't believe you, Rain. If you will be like this, then don't speak to me!" He marched to the door, opened it, and took Clar's hand in his.

"Lyre, I—"