He's not your father

"She's your mother, Rain." Lyre sighed.

"No, she's not." Rain shook his head. "She was the one who killed my biological mother. She's not my mother."

Eve gasped.

"Who told you that?" Lyre asked, shocked by his words. "Where did you hear such lies from?"

"The king. My…. My father." Rain nervously scratched his hair at the expression on Lyre's face.

"Your what?" Lyre and Eve asked at the same time.

"The king. He said he's my father." Rain took Lyre's hand in his. "Let's leave here, Lyre. I can teleport with you. And as for you, I will only let you go because you didn't harm him." Rain glared at Eve. "When I—"

"Calm down, and listen to me, Rain." Lyre touched Rain's back. "She's your mother. The man on the throne isn't your father. He killed your father, and now, he wants you to kill your mother."

"No, that's not true." Rain took a step back. "She's trying to deceive you, Lyre. She wants—"