He's alive

"Let's go back to Earth." Rain said for the tenth time.

"Why?" Lyre turned to face him, bone tired to move his body.

"Why?" He furrowed his brows. "Do you like it here?"

"What if I don't? Are you going to suggest we leave things as it is here, and return to Earth? You can't mean that, could you?" Lyre pursed his lips.

"what's wrong with that, Lyre?" Rain caressed Lyre's face. "You will be safe over there, then here."

"And what of your mother?" Lyre stared at Rain in disbelief.

"She can—"

"Go to hell?" Lyre scoffed at his words. "Taking me back to Earth isn't the right thing to do, Rain. We are in this together. Leaving your mother isn't an option. At least not when I'm aware that your uncle wants to kill her as he did to your father."

"Lyre." Rain touched Lyre's hair. "You are the most important person to me, Lyre. I won't allow anything to happen to you."

"I know." Lyre nodded. "But your mother's life is also indispensable. We can't leave her here."

Rain sighed.