An actor

"You had her in your grasp, but you let her escape!" The king gritted his teeth in anger. His red eyes were focused solely on Rain.

"I wouldn't have escaped the camp had I done that. I was all alone, surrounded by multitudes of the white wings soldiers." Rain tried to justify his actions.

"Why didn't you take any of the guards with you? You would have gotten things done faster had you done exactly that!"

Rain flinched at the tone the king used.

"I thought it will be easy to convince her to give over the pearl, for the safety of her people." Rain shrugged.

"And you thought she will do that?" The king laughed. "You don't know who Eve is, son."

"Eve? Who is Eve?" Rain furrowed his brows, pretending he didn't know who the Eve the king was talking about, is.

"The woman you were sent to kill. Her name is Eve." The king strode back to his chair and sat. He gazed at the throne before he turned his entire attention to Rain.