The New Rulers

Rain slowly opened his eyes. He glanced around, confused about how he got to this place.

"Lyre?" He glanced around the place, but didn't see the merman.

Rain slowly rose from the bed, and headed towards his door. "Lyre!" He called out.

Rain hastened out of the room, and headed towards the throne room.

His heart was beating miles a minute as he thought about what might have happened to Lyre.

The last thing he remembered was fighting off his uncle who tried to touch Lyre. And that was that. He doesn't know what happened to his merman.


He burst into the throne room, only to see his biological parents discussing something in hushed tones, with Agu.

"Where is Lyre?" Rain asked as he matched towards them.

"Rain? You are awake?" Eve rose from the smaller chair she was sitting on and headed towards him.

"Where is Lyre? What happened?" He demanded, not even ready to hear anything not related to his merman.

"He's in the room next to yours." Eve smiled a bit.