He's jealous

Eve sniffed.

"Don't you want to stay here a bit? For two days? I won't mind at all." She said, hoping Rain might agree to stay back, for her sake if not for anything else.

"I don't think it's possible, mom. We have been away from Earth for weeks now. Our parents must be super worried about us." Rain said, omitting the fact that he used magic on his Earth parents.

"But…" Eve paused, unable to say a coherent word.

"We will come to visit." Lyre walked close to Eve and hugged her. "We will return for you."

Eve sniffed. "Why can't you guys stay here? You can return to Earth whenever you want. It's not as if your life will be tied to the thrones."

Rain shook his head. "Earth is our home." He took Lyre's hand in his. "We have family back there, waiting for us."

Eve nodded, though she wasn't happy about this.

She regretted leaving her son on Earth, alone.

If only she had kept him safe, or stayed back on Earth with him, he wouldn't have felt so detached from her.