Memory lose

Lyre kicked a bottle on the ground. He was lost in thoughts as he walked towards the less busy part of the park.

The merman wanted to have a moment to himself, without the disturbance from people. That was why he found a cool place to think. He sat on the only bench there and glanced at the forest.

His mind went back to how happy Rain was when he received the gift from AX. And for the first time, he wondered if Rain was truly happy with him.

He felt like Rain was only with him because he didn't want to seem heartless.

Lyre placed a hand under his jaw and glanced towards the trees.

A tear slipped from his right eye, and that gave way to more tears.

It was as if a dam were broken.

Lyre sniffed before he wiped his eyes, feeling stupid for crying.


Lyre's heart skipped a bit at the familiar voice of his immediate older brother.


He turned, only to see his other brothers standing beside Veryn, with smug expressions on their faces.