Are you my brother?

Lyre woke up to a noise.

He squinted a bit, to get his eyes accustomed to the light before he sat up on the bed.

"Who are you?" He asked the green-haired merman in his room.

Veryn turned at the sound of Lyre's voice. He never intended to wake Lyre until he was through with arranging the breakfast he got for him.

"I'm Veryn." He carried the tray of food and walked towards Lyre.

Earlier that morning, Veryn went over to the nearest human town, which happened to be the one opposite where Rain was. He got most of the cooked human food and had to pay it off with some pearls.

Veryn actually had to wait for the humans to confirm that the pearls were indeed the real deal before they gave him the things he got.

"I don't know the ones you prefer, so I bought a little of everything." He placed the tray of food on the bed and sat opposite Lyre.

"Are you my brother?" Lyre asked, trying to know who the green-haired male was.

Veryn paused.