I never want to leave

Lyre giggled non-stop as they swam.

It was fun!

The merman was certain he hadn't had that much amount of fun all his life.

"I told you that you will love it." Veryn circled Lyre. "Now, twirl a bit." He instructed, trying not to gape at Lyre's smooth naked chest.

Lyre did as he was instructed. He twirled in the water, and his hair followed, spraying water around.

Lyre chuckled when his hair slapped his face.

"Bravo!" Veryn clapped. "You are just a natural, Lyre."

"Thank you." Lyre beamed. He continued to twirl and dive, giggling non-stop at the refreshing feel of the water on his body.

"I feel like I've done this countless times. Have I?" He innocently glanced up at Veryn whose mind was filled with not-so-innocent thoughts.

"You are a merman, Lyre. Of course, you have done this countless times." He answered, failing to mention that Lyre was banned from swimming out in the ocean when his mother discovered the unusualness of her last son.