He has been taken

Rain didn't allow Veryn to rise from the ocean. He raced towards him and raised him from the ocean.

Veryn tried to raise his hands to conjure more of the sea creatures, but Rain didn't give him a chance.

Rain punched Veryn in the face, and sent him flying farther from where they were.

"Let's go!"

Before Lyre could so much as blink, Rain held him on the waist and teleported him out of the place.


Veryn rose, only to discover they were nowhere to be found.

"I have to find them!" He hit his clenched fist on the water.

Growling in anger, Veryn took out the pearl he put on his hair, to properly conceal it. He rubbed on the pearl as he murmured the words he read in the books.

However, instead of glittering, the pearl stayed in his hand like a normal tear.

Veryn tried once more, and when he couldn't get the pearl to do its job, he had to bite on it. And that was when he discovered that he had been tricked.
