Have you regained your memories?

Lyre stayed in Rain's room for two days before he got tired of staying in that place.

Rain earlier went out to get some things, leaving Lyre alone in the room.

Lyre rose from the bed and walked to the door. He had seen Rain leave through that door countless times, and he thought to do the same.

Lyre opened the door and exited the room. He didn't stop. He continued towards the next door, which happened to be his room before he left for Tarmixan with Rain.

Lyre tried the doorknob and when it opened, he fully walked into his room. He headed towards his bed, and plopped down on it, with a sigh.

Lyre turned a bit before his eyes got drowsy, and he slept off.


Rain teleported back to his room with the bags of goodies he got for Lyre.