You poisoned him

Lyre paced the floors of the hospital.

"Calm down, Lyre. Rain will be okay. He's a fighter." Their mother tried to get him to calm down, but the merman wasn't having any of that.

"How can you ask me to calm down when Rain is lying on the bed, in my stead?" Lyre pointed at the door of the room Rain was in. "Had it not been for me, mother, I don't think he would have met with—" Lyre sniffed, to keep the tears at bay.

"Do you think he's not delighted that he was the one who ate those cookies instead of you?" Jewel narrowed her eyes at Lyre. "Rain sacrificed himself, to keep you safe, Lyre. You need to be strong for him." She stood from the chair she was sitting on and walked over to Lyre. "Let's all hope for the best. Nothing is going to happen to your Rain. Hell, that possessive man will wake from the dead if someone so much as sniffs around you. Don't worry, he's going to be alright."