How was it?

"What do you mean?" Rain swallowed.

"Do you want to run again?" Lyre placed his hand on Rain's arm. "Do you think I will allow you to teleport as you did those nights ago?" He smirked, with a brow raised at Rain.

"I need....."

"We are married, husband. Don't you think it's only right for us to consummate our wedding, tonight?" With one hand holding, Rain, he traced a hand on Rain's clothed chest.

Rain swallowed as he tried to keep his composure.

"Aren't you eager for it?" Lyre whispered into Rain's ear.

It was funny how the role was reversed. Rain was the one who always tries to seduce. But here he was, doing the same.

"How can I be eager for something I've never experienced?" Rain turned his face to the side, to hide his embarrassment from Lyre.

"Really?" Lyre kissed Rain on the ear. "You sound so certain about this. Why don't you try it with me? I'm your wife." Lyre kissed his cheeks.

"Don't do that!" Rain hastily stood up from his throne. "It's morning, I need to—"