Seeking a way to his heart

"Why are you acting as if we are strangers?" Lyre breathed on Rain's skin. "We have gone too far to be strangers."

His breath on Rain's neck, caused him to shiver.

Rain hastily rose from his chair when he couldn't take it any more.

It was torture with the way Lyre blew on his skin.

"What do you think you are doing?" He narrowed his eyes at Lyre.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Lyre bit his bottom lips.

"I'm out of here." Rain teleported out of the dining and to his room. He leaned on the door and heaved a breath.


His cheeks were red, and his eyes were a bit dilated.

"Fuck that merman. He undeniably knows the right button to press." Rain closed his eyes as images of Lyre assaulted his brain.

Funny enough, to him, an image of a naked Lyre came into his mind. It was so real that he had to hit his palm on his head, for creating such a lewd image of someone he had just gotten married to.

Lyre stood in the same spot, with a sly smile on his face.