Let's return to Earth

Rain strode over to Lyre's side. "Come, wife. It's time to give our vows." He murmured with his entire focus on Veryn whose dark stares were enough to freeze a person.

Lyre shivered at the feel of the Tarmixan's breath on him.

He was aware Rain wasn't the same as the one he knew, but he couldn't help the feeling his proximity elicited in him.

Lyre gulped. "Let's get this over with," Lyre said before he proceeded towards the place their people were.

The mermen stood at one side, while the Tarmixans stood opposite them. Though they looked happy, their hearts weren't as happy as their faces.

They were sworn enemies who have been at loggerheads with each other.

It was the first time each species has stood side by side without fighting.

Lyre stood by his people's side while Rain stood opposite him.

Veryn and Agu stood next to their kings with identical glares on their faces.