I agree

Veryn smirked, pleased the Tarmixan king didn't accept Lyre's terms. He never intended to let his king leave, but he knew how stubborn Lyre can be.

"What are the terms?" Rain asked before Lyre could fully turn his back.

Lyre stopped. "We get married, of course. That's all. We don't have to love each other. This is just a marriage to strengthen the truce between our kingdoms. It will be beneficial for both kingdoms." He said, without turning to face Rain.

Lyre was afraid Rain might see the expression on his face. He doesn't want anyone to know how badly he wanted Rain to agree.

Rain tapped his index finger on the table as he gave the merman a once over.

"What changed? Before this, you were a ruthless king who wanted nothing but to wipe my kingdom off. Why are you calling a truce now? What else are you hiding?" Rain scrunched his nose up.