A plan

"What's a merman doing in my territory?" Rain glared at Lyre.

"What are you doing, Rain?" Lyre tried to fight off Rain's hold, but it was too strong for him. The merman would have used his Powers to free himself, but he didn't want to hurt Rain.

Though the wound on Rain was temporarily closed, he knew Rain wasn't fully healed.

"That's not my name!" Rain pressed tighter until it seemed like he was about to cut off Lyre's breath.


A tear slid down from Lyre's eyes.

The pearl that fell on Rain's hand, stung.

He instantly let go, feeling a bit remorseful. It was as if his heart remembered something, his mind couldn't.

"What did you do that for, Rain?" Lyre darkly glared at him. "Were you intending to kill me?"

Rain scowled at him, but didn't say a word. Instead, he turned his focus to the outside world.