Who are you?

Lyre sat on his throne, dazed by all the information he was given. It was too much for him to comprehend.

"My king." The merman, who claimed his name was Pam, bowed to Lyre. "The mermen whom you sent to the Tarmixans are back. They—"

"The Tarmixans?" Lyre sat up at the mention of Rain's people. "What about the Tarmixans?"

He figured he might be able to get to the root of everything if he gets to know where Rain was.

"Their king was gravely wounded, but he escaped before any of the men could get to him. As for his people, they fought back, and wounded most of our men."

"The king of Tarmixan? What's his name?" Lyre tried not to seem eager.

"Pardon?" Pam blinked.

He had initially thought the king was faking it by asking the previous questions. However, he doesn't think it's the case any more.

"What's the name of the Tarmixan king? Does he have a wife?" Lyre inquired once more, without missing a beat.

Lyre figured that it might be Eve's husband who was gravely wounded.