You killed him

"It has been two weeks since they have been in this state." Eve narrowed her eyes at the mermaid mistress. "I'm not going to stand by and watch them any more!" She paced the floors as she occasionally glanced at Lyre and Rain who were still unconscious.

"What are you going to do then?" The mistress folded her arms with her brows raised at Eve.

Though she seemed concerned, she knew she had to be the only reasonable one among them.

Two people can't be pacing the floors. One needs to calm the other.

"Why do you seem less concerned? Our sons are lying on the bed, but you've not shown any remorse! Are you even a mother?" Eve asked, exasperated.

"What do you want me to do? I can't just walk around the room like you do all the time! Spare me that, Eve."

Veryn sat a distance from them and gave each of them a long stare. He was fed up with listening to them bicker, but there was nothing he can do.