I have a family over there

Rain hugged Lyre to himself. His hold on Lyre was tight, and it seemed like he was about to squash the merman.

"I was afraid that I've lost you, Lyre." He sobbed. "I couldn't save you." Rain lamented as he tightened his hold.

Lyre blinked.

"What are you talking about?" Lyre frowned. "Who couldn't you save? AX?"

"We were—"

"My Lyre." Eve sighed. "Mother thought she had lost you. Come over and let me touch you." She beckoned for him to come.

None was brave enough to approach the bed Lyre was lying on because Rain had not let down the wall of fire he erected around them. It was still burning, seeking whom to devour.

Lyre turned.

"Mother!" His face brightened at the sight of the tear-stained face of Eve. He seemed happy to see Eve who was equally thrilled to see her son-in-law alive.

"Son." Eve took cautious steps towards him while the mistress glared at them, feeling left out.

Rain frowned at Lyre.