Who is she?

Rain and Lyre stared at their family. This was obviously not the scene they were hoping for.

"Oh." Rain nervously laughed. "We were testing a science—"

"Where have you guys been for the past month?" Their mother sternly narrowed her eyes at them.

She didn't allow Rain to complete his lies.

It came as a shock when she didn't question them on how they materialized in her parlour. Instead, she asked about their disappearance.

Rain cleared his throat. Though he planned to wipe their memories, he never thought it will be this urgent.

He believed they will have enough time to do just that.

"You will forget—"

"Cut that crap, Rain. Where did you guys go?"

Their mother rose from the cushion with a grim expression on her face.

She folded her arms and narrowed her eyes at them. "For the past few months, you guys have been disappearing off and on. Are you going to lie about going to camp once more?" She pursed her lips as if daring Rain to lie.
