Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The priest stood over Rias' barely-conscious body, and shuffled through a pile of dusty tomes.

"And now," he said loudly, "I shall impregnate you with my holy seed. For I have found the secret of combining Holy and Devil seed, written in the ancient Grimoire of Simon Magus. Our last child was still-born, but now the secrets of the ancients have taught me the true ritual of the Marriage of Heaven and Hell! Now, you shall bear my offspring, who shall have untold power and beauty, and shall be the rebirth of Helen and Aphrodite."

Rias' eyes cracked open in panic. "You can't mean... No, please..."

He ignored her and continued. "First, I must place the Holy Grail!"

Leaning down, he picked up a gold and silver grail from the ground. Inside it, he had mixed the blood of Irina with some of Asia's skin, choosing Asia because Simon's book had called for, "A young maiden granted powers of healing by God." He had chosen to aid Freed in retrieving her, once he realized that she would qualify as this. Now, he added a small sprinkling of pure capsaicin crystals to the mixture, and covered the whole thing with a layer of Holy Water.

He removed the detachable flat stand at the bottom, leaving only the cup and a small spindle beneath it which had connected it to the stand.

Walking up to Rias, who was still tied down to a bed, he thrust the spindle into her vagina in order to embed the Grail a few inches deep inside. She cried out in pain as she felt the fierce sting of the capsaicin crystals wafting through her vagina.

"You must feel the fires of Hell!" he screamed. "For only then will our intercourse be truly the Marriage of Heaven and Hell, as prophesied by Blake! And then our daughters shall be unparalleled in beauty, and our sons shall be the new Apostles."

She whimpered, but was scared to speak. A few hours ago, she had screamed her displeasure as he had sex with her, and he had shoved Irina's heated ashes deep into her mouth to shut her up. Seemingly, this had also been part of the current ritual: by exposing her body to the devout Christian Irina's ashes, in spite of the pain, he had weakened her Devil body's resistance to Holy materials. He had also beaten her with a crucifix, until her body went numb and stopped flinching at the touch of the holy symbol.

Now, it would all come to culmination.

"Lord, I call on you to bear witness!" the priest said, and a halo of light appeared around him. "Your might shall extend infinitely and overthrow all boundaries, even unto the Womb of this Devil! Out of her unholy flesh shall spring the Apostles of your Holiness, and daughters of such beauty as to make earth appear like Heaven. O, let the skeptic wail at your sign!"

As Rias tried to dislodge the grail, she found that the priest had tightened the bands around her until she could barely move at all. She realised with disgust that the grail did not feel metallic, as it had looked, but actually felt fleshy like moist, firm skin. It compressed slimily as she tried to press her legs tightly together, but the priest had tied her down such that there were always a few inches of space between her legs. From the brush of Irina's blood deep on the skin of her vagina, she guessed that the grail was also semi-permeable membrane, which allowed some substances to pass through.

She heaved up as she tried one last time to draw on her Devil powers to break out of here, but felt the cold, steely rebuff of the crucifixes lining her cage as her Devil energy bluntly dissolved as soon as it was released.

"Now, the final part of the ritual shall be completed!" the priest warbled. "Witness, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell!"

He drew down his pants, and placed his penis near Rias' vagina, where the grail seemed to glow as he neared. He masturbated until it was erect, looking into Rias' panicked, blue eyes and stroking her breasts.

Once he was erect, he plunged his penis into her, and violently thrust it deeper and deeper. His mighty thrusts pushed the grail deep, where it collected the blood spilled from her damaged vaginal walls.

"I must injure you," he said, "because your skin must absorb the contents of the Grail, in order to allow you to carry Holy seed."

Rias could barely move, but squealed loudly, occasionally swearing when her mouth was able to form words. She tried to roll to the side, away from the priest's insistent, bruising thrusts, but felt almost paralyzed as her attempts did not budge her beyond a few centimetres. Meanwhile, the agony of the capsaicin in her vagina began to burn harshly, and she cried out thoughtlessly as the hellfire-like sensation engulfed her.

The priest, frustrated by her screaming, reached down to pick up some of Irina's remaining ashes and soaked them in his ejaculate before ramming them up Rias' throat. He then obstinately lodged his penis deep inside her, and kept it in place. Realizing that she couldn't resist or even speak, and feeling choked by the ashes, she instead went slightly faint and the priest felt her body go limp. He was satisfied that her body's resistance to his Holy seed was reduced until he could successfully impregnate her.

He grabbed the inside of her large, white thighs roughly, then used them as a lever to push himself harder and harder into her vagina. Once he had got into a rhythm, he moved his hands up towards the sloping top of her hips, and anchored himself inside with successive, painful thrusts towards the cervix. He felt her body rock back with each thrust, and was impressed by the feminine way in which it passively yielded to his movements once it was unable to resist.

Hearing her whimper, he finally lay down heavily over her and grabbed her red hair, drawing her close to him and kissing her cold, faint lips, as he finally ejaculated into her. He felt a wave of relief pass through his body.

He looked down on Rias, who wore a bruised, wary expression, and a gaze that was almost as lifeless as a cadaver's.

"Now, witness, you shall bear a child even of God. Alas, you should celebrate, to see that God can work miracles even in your Devil womb! But your sin has blinded you to this."

"You're... Scum! I hate you! I hate you! I hope your child dies!" Rias whined.

"Alas, the sins of your mouth have defiled the air, even in the presence of the Lord!" the priest crowed, before sticking his penis into her throat to shut her up. "No, you must greet the joy of childbirth with the wondrous words of the Virgin Mary, 'Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.'"

He began to chant this phrase repeatedly, thrusting his cock deeply into her throat in rhythm with each syllable of the phrase. Soon, Rias' head was bobbing up and down numbly as if guided by the priest's holy words. She was too weak by this point to resist, and could only close her eyes meekly as his penis uncomfortably throttled her.

He began to cum into her, and drew his penis out to ejaculate over her closed eyelids, in order to force them open. His dick was still erect, so he pushed it back into her throat, edging it against her faint mouth and throat as he continued repeating the phrase.

"Now, if you speak the beautiful words of Mary, I shall withdraw from your mouth," he said commandingly.

Rias was initially reluctant, due to her brave spirit, but as she half-choked on the priest's penis again she realized that she had to give in.

She tried to speak, but didn't have enough breath for it.

After taking a few more of the priest's thrusts, she finally managed to speak, whispering a few breaths which brushed against the priest's shaft. "Behold, I..."

She felt herself choking up and unable to speak as the priest's penis voyaged deep into her throat. However, after a few seconds, she continued the rest of the sentence, in delicate breaths which were separated by a few breathless seconds between them. "Am the servant... of... the Lord... let... let it be to me... accord.. oh, God... according.... to your... word."

The priest ejaculated, filling her mouth with his cum, and saw her blue eyes frozen in fear, looking into his own. Her met her stare with compassion and surprise. "A heartfelt tribute to the Lord," he said. "Witness, the Lord has brought holiness even to the tongue of this Devil."

He took the Grail and walked away, leaving her gagging.

Walking to an adjoining room, he saw that Issei was masturbating furiously to the scene, hidden from Rias by dark tinted glass. Pressing a switch, he increased the transparency of the glass, until Rias could see with alarm how much Issei was enjoying her humiliation.

Because of how weak she was, her head barely moving, it took Issei about a minute to realize that she was watching him through her half-closed eyes, and he sheepishly put his hands behind his back. However, his penis continued throbbing, and ejaculated, drawing a look of horror from Rias before she lay back weakly.

"Why should I stop?" the priest heard Issei murmuring. "It's not like she can do anything to me from there. We're both trapped. After all, I didn't hold back from Irina..."

Issei's voice let off, consumed in his tears. He thought back with regret on his conduct with Irina, and was ashamed that the priest knew about it. In fact, the priest had offered him Irina's body to have sex with, but Issei had frozen up and been unable, because he kept having nightmares about her coming back from beyond the grave to beat him up and gain her revenge, and he still bore a few bruises from her strength as she tried to rebuff him in the tunnel.

Had he killed her? He sometimes had vivid images of the deep wounds beneath her breasts, which he had worsened in his urge to grope and fuck her breasts. Had that killed her? Was he a murderer?He could hardly bare to think about it, but trapped in here he was alone with his uninterrupted thoughts.

While the priest noticed Issei's guilt, he knew that Issei would eventually succumb to his perversion. The more that this happened, the worse guilt Issei would feel, and the more uncomfortable Rias would be. Such was the punishment that the Lord ordained for sinners!

While he had burnt off Irina's lower legs and arms, for the ritual, he left the rest of her intact. This is because, without her arms or lower legs, she wouldn't appear as threatening to Issei, and he would be less frightened of her vengeance from beyond the grave. As such, the priest tossed this remaining part of Irina's body into the glass container with Issei, and then left Issei trying in futility to hold back a growing libido.

Contentedly, the priest walked out of the building, and started his car.

He had received a heads-up from Satan, who was watching the action on live television, that Nogi was currently some distance away looking for a female named 'Kuroka.' The priest decided that he would let Nogi lead Kuroka unawares into his clutches, and capture her.