After arriving in this new world, Osama bin Laden had walked for four days and nights without rest until he finally reached a large city.
He did not need food or water, because he had the word of Allah as recorded in the Quran.
As he entered the city, he began walking around the outskirts to check for danger.
While there weren't many guards, he was surprised to see a woman in a silky, black kimono walking around secretively, her skin a ghostly, pale white-green in the sickly morning light. On noticing his presence, she instantly summoned an identical illusion of herself to her side, in case she would have to fight. Her ears pricked up in an alert manner, as she wondered why somebody else would be here and worried that the priest's men might have found her.
Osama looked on her cloned form with disgust. It was clear what was going on. She was a witch.
He accosted her immediately. "Accursed infidel! Your witchcraft has offended the high throne of Allah, and He shall have His retribution!"
Kuroka flinched back, surprised by this outburst. "I'm not a witch, I'm a -"
She bit her tongue, realizing that telling a religious fanatic that she was a Devil was probably not a great idea.
"Look," she continued instead, "I don't mean any harm, but I am quite powerful. It would be best to leave me alone."
"Harm?" Osama scoffed. "You have done incalculable harm to Allah's natural order with your witchcraft, the sight of your black magic is a blight in His eyes!"
He pointed at her kimono, which she wore loosely with most of her midriff exposed. "And you have no modesty, you are a strumpet that spreads impurity upon the earth! Witness how quickly women without discipline will defile the world which Allah's greatness has sanctified! A maggot-ridden whore who spreads plague should not ask for Allah's mercy. Do not think that you can escape from HIs wrath!"
As he spoke, his words boomed through the area, and Kuroka's illusory clone was dispelled by the force of Allah's truth. She recoiled in shock,
Angered, she cast out a poisoned mist, which seemed to weigh down the air as it floated towards him.
However, Osama was not afraid, and only recited the word of the Quran. "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve! Allahu Akbar!"
The mist instantly dissipated.
Although Osama didn't have any weapons, he had picked up a few sheets of paper which had been drifting across the ground as he arrived. He took out one sheet of paper, and expertly folded it into a paper plane, which he then cast towards Kuroka.
She used her Devil magic to summon a shield blocking it, thinking that it was probably just a distraction. However, the paper plane easily broke through this shield, and collided at high speed with her flank as she tried to jump out of the way, shattering her body and forming a large wound that spilled over her chest and back.
She gasped in horror.
Osama laughed. "You cannot overcome the might of Allah. For you are not only a mortal, but a woman! Allah shall rejoice in his triumph!"
However, while he was summoning a swarm of locusts to finish her off, he heard a loud noise as Nogi came running awkwardly out from the town, heading straight for Osama with sword in hand.
As the locusts descended towards Kuroka, however, easily catching up despite her attempts to flee, Nogi changed his mind. Caught up in a surfeit of chivalry, partially inspired by staring at her large breasts and bare, plasticky skin, he leapt into the path of the locusts, swinging his sword to get their attention.
They quickly swarmed over him, hiding him from view, and when they lifted his skin had been torn off to leave only a bare skeleton.
However, this intervention had bought Kuroka enough time to escape back into the city, running through an abandoned park until she was far away.
"Drat! Foiled again!" Osama spat. "Death to Amerikkka!"
He resolved to get his revenge upon this arrogant witch, and kill her in the name of Allah. However, at the moment, his legs were weary after the long travel, and she was distant enough that he was unlikely to find her soon in this unfamiliar city. He decided to familiarize himself with the place first.
"This city is guilty!" he proclaimed. "It has harboured witchcraft and given itself to debauchery! It is such a blight, that Allah shall raise His own arm to smite it, and it shall burn to his touch!"
However, although Kuroka did not realize, this fracas had caught the attention of the priest, whose car changed course to examine what was happening.
Osama, looking around carefully for any guards or CIA agents who might have noticed him, only noticed a lone blue car swerving down a road ahead of him before disappearing. Seeing that he had mostly gone unnoticed, he thanked the Lord.
"Praised be Allah! We shall cleanse this town of its wicked, of transsexuality, homosexuality, and all the other modern ills, and prepare it for your cleansing fire. Allahu Akbar!"
He noticed a couple of ambiguously-gendered people with blue hair walking through a nearby alley and looking shocked and offended as they overheard him, so he quickly ran out of their way before they saw him. He was not afraid of them fighting him, for he had the power of Allah to defend him. However, he didn't want to be cancelled.
After all, as long as he didn't break cover too brazenly, the woke left would support and protect him during his stay in this modern city. It wasn't worth sacrificing his greatest ally, when he could familiarize himself with this city at leisure due to his protected status as a Muslim.
In fact, he could even try to infiltrate Muslim communities here to gather followers, winning them over with the promise of 70 virgins.
After all, he had done copious research into Japanese culture. He knew that their women were organized into 'harems' around a small number of 'protagonists,' which meant that the large majority of males would be without mates. In fact, most attractive females would be immediately press-ganged into harems by 'mangakas' (whom, so far as he could make out, were people who recruited females into harems - a bit like vulgarized pimps), purely because they would make for good 'fan-service.' This could create a discontented sub-set of society who would easily look to someone like Osama for leadership and guidance, and would be won over by the promise of 70 heavenly virgins.
Indeed, he knew that some of his earlier supporters had even dreamed vividly of these 70 virgins, imagining thereby the beauty which was not permitted to them on earth. They awoke from these dreams restless and wearied of the earth, not wishing to stay here when they were deprived of so much. This made them more eager when the prospect of a suicidal terror attack appeared.
Although the hope for wealth and females had earlier tamed these males and made them seek social status and success, eventually it made them seek discipline through the rigorous religious discipline of Islam and the leadership of Osama bin Laden. In this way, beauty tames men, and society approves when it tames away their ego, but complains when it tames away their courtesy. Osama, in any case, was not concerned about society's preferences, because he was a man of God and lived only to serve Allah.
He did not need disciples, he needed followers willing to die for jihad.
As he walked through the city, he noticed degenerate advertisements for popular cartoon series known as 'anime.' He cursed the city for its wickedness.
"Why have the inhabitants of this city not defaced these advertisements, and joined together to prohibit the production of these 'anime'? They must be truly an accursed people! Allah shall have no mercy on this slant-eyed race, when His Judgement Day, Yawm ad-Din, comes!"
He eventually came to a mosque, and was disgusted to see most women here chattering without even wearing headscarves, and a flock of raucous, Westernized believers. This was a disgrace, to the name of Allah! Worst of all, there was a synagogue beside it! However, he decided that he could make use of this place.
A few females were still wearing a burqa, and he could steal one of these to conceal his identity. After that, he could figure out how to gather followers and unleash an act of terror upon the synagogue just opposite. After all, any true disciple of Allah must take umbrage at having the Jew live next door, especially after all that Israel - and its vassal, the United $naKKKes - had done to disrupt the Islamic homeland. The logical solution was race war..
If this immediate goal succeeded, then his power and influence could only grow as people realized that there was an authentic Islamic leader spreading righteous jihad.
He ventured into the mosque reluctantly. due to its obvious association with sacrilege and these foreign infidels, but with a clear sense of purpose. He would seek to slowly build up a terror cell, in order to destroy the synagogue and eventually bring terror to this whole degenerate town.
Little did he know, the priest had taken notice of his power, and passed the news of this potential ally on to Satan.