Chapter 22

After Yelan used her great powers at the Nascent Soul level to literally carve away a large field out of the surrounding mountainous terrain using high water pressure spells of some kind. I had a good two-hundred-meter-wide stone platform to work upon.

And with the open space, I got to work. As I knew Yelan wanted one thing above all else, she wanted weapons that mortals or very weak martial artists and cultivators could use. So in that vein, I decided on two different projects. For the next two weeks, I worked tirelessly upon the following projects while optimizing the mining system when I had free time.

A ground and air project. The air project would be the gunship I envisioned priorly that would be outfitted with a spirit stone nuclear reactor to power it and armed with more mundane if not powerful weaponry with its ammo being stored into a spatial storage. The ground project, however...

"A man always dreams of making a mech!" I whispered to myself as I used all the inherited knowledge I had to make the most glorious of things. I was working to make an Ogre titan from Titan Fall basically. And with it armed with a 40mm canon which was belt fed from a smaller storage crate I could make on the Ogre's back. The titan would have up to fifty thousand rounds in storage.

Or in other words, his gun would melt down before he would run out of ammo! Along with the massive canon the titan could carry, the titan was outfitted with shoulder-mounted missile pods, and magnesium dust bombs that would softly explode around the titan to burn away things trying to hoard the titan. And lastly, the force field projector that could release a wave of kinetic energy from one of its mechanical hands stop projectiles from hitting it.

And as I climbed into the mech's cock pit and it's spirit stone nuclear engine whirled to life. I felt at home... 

No that was my cultivation art, The Golden Path registering this mech titan as a great treasure and allowing me to cultivate while within it!

The dark cockpit whirled to life as the many curved screens on the inside of the cock pit displayed the outside world from the view of me looking out of the cock pit without all the metal and as I got harnessed into the titan's control harness that followed the Jeager like system of matching body movements so that martial artists could use the same moves as they could with their normal bodies.

I stood up in the titan form with the machine making a loud thrumming noise as I hefted up the large 40mm canon.

"Keqing you hear me?" I spoke testing out the comms system and the purple-haired beauty threw me a hand up but and with a slight popping noise the audio systems outside my mech captured her reply.

"Yes, are you alright in that puppet?" She asked and I made a humming noise as I began stretching my body and realized that if I really wanted to allow Martial artists to do actual martial artist moves in their titan. The titan itself would need to match their martial art.

'But thankfully I am a pay-to-win cultivator who relies on money to beat people to death haha!' I thought proudly uncaring of how shameless my cultivation was as I kneeled down in the mech and released myself from the harness to come out of the mech.

"Yup it's going great! Just a couple minor kinks to worry about. I mean normal mortals are fine, but if martial artists want to use a titan to their fullest ability and start doing some kooky stuff. Then the titan itself will need to be made to order." I rambled with Keqing rolling her eyes and poking me in the chest to shut me up as she got me back on my track.

"The titan works and you actually made somewhat of an assembly line for it. Now we should test this 'Pelican'" She spoke while actually making finger hand quotes as she looked at the halo themed gunship.

I gave the Yuhung of Liyue a look, as no one disses the Pelican but regardless Keqing joined me on the ships maiden voyage as she wanted to make sure that should the ship blow up or suffer catastrophic failure... She could catch and teleport me down to the ground even if her lightning teleport would probably give me some good burns.

"So how about we take a storage ring filled with materials and spirit stones to Liyue to turn some in, to Ningguang?" I asked and Keqing smiled with her giving me a strong nod as she responded quickly.

"Yes. That would be a very good idea Jake, as that will be a clear indication of you paying Ningguang and the Liyue Qixing back for all the hard work we did together!"

I nodded to her words and while Keqing settled in, to look at all the dials and the running heads-up display after I firmly told her 'no touchie'. I went to fill up a spare spatial bag which was a much cheaper spatial tool compared to a spatial ring with a bunch of base materials and of course, a small mountain of spirit stones that wouldn't affect the array's protection level.

And once I got back onto the plane and we started up the engines. Keqing's hand snapped over to mine as the large engines on the side of the plane pushed the gunship into the air with a roar of displaced air and I couldn't help a maniac giggle as the gunship thrummed as it tilted forward and it's engines pushed the gunship forward through the air and we were off!

Flying towards Liyue with Keqing taking a deep breath as she muttered. "Oh... This is going to get all those artifact-crafting weirdo's from the Cloud Refining Sect onto you." 

'Oh... Wouldn't that sect be the one Cloud Retainer would be in charge of?' I thought before wondering if that was where Ganyu was. As she wasn't a part of the Liyue Qixing at all.

But I smiled and asked with some curiosity. "Don't they have other flying artifacts?" 

And Keqing gave me that customary. 'I hate you for being so intelligent and yet so ignorant of things.' look she always gave when I asked certain questions. But thankfully she didn't sass me as she answered with a wry smile. "Yes... Sorta, the most common thing they have are flying swords but that requires the practitioner to have their body connected to it. To fly it safely, otherwise other than the Sect Master's flying divine Pagoda... No there aren't any ships like this that can actually fly!" 

In response to Keqing's heated words... I reached over and gave her a head pat making her hiss and smack my hand away. And for the rest of the ride to Liyue with clear skies and thankfully no monsters that dared to attack us from the surface or running into any flying monsters, we were left completely unmolested for the flight to Liyue and as we can closer to the city I blinked seeing Ningguang surrounded with golden glyphs flying in the air to the side of the city near the harbor district and Keqing said obviously. "Lady Ningguang must be pointing us to where to land."